Very very excited my mister is on his way home from a work trip to Texas.
Very very frustrated that I have no reliable COVID data on which to base a decision about whether I need to mask around him for the next few days.
Looking at Texas community risk level, it's "low" but notes that people who need extra caution can refer to Transmission metrics.
Transmission metrics have not been updated since June.
This has nothing to do with the slow acting lethal injections 💉
#news #covid #vaccine #vax #shot #jab #sads #diedsuddenly #health #newnormal #news #clownworld
#news #covid #vaccine #vax #shot #jab #sads #DiedSuddenly #health #newnormal #clownworld
@Ruhrnalist man sollte auch mal den Fakt würdigen, dass die Spalte dort nur für maximal drei Ziffern ausgelegt ist, weil vermutlich niemand glaubte das man die vierte stelle jemals brauchen würde! #NewNormal
Es hätte alles anders sein können
#NewNormal #AkitoAihara #Beziehung #Dystopie #Erfahrung #ErikaHinata #Hata #Krankheit #Lesen #Liebe #Manga #Meinung #Mundschutz #Nase #Natsuki #Pandemie #Quarantäne #Review #Rezension #Test #Testbericht #Tests #Wertung
#newnormal #akitoaihara #beziehung #dystopie #erfahrung #erikahinata #hata #krankheit #lesen #liebe #manga #meinung #mundschutz #nase #natsuki #pandemie #quarantane #review #rezension #test #testbericht #tests #Wertung
Some German cites (those that di testing) reporting an 14 day incidence of 1303 per 100’000 🙄
It’s summer. That doesn’t looks like seasonal and that doesn’t sounds very healthy or normal at all.
Dear journalists, the usual experts you interviewed the last three years are crap. Please do your job and find some new ones that are able to explain this.
#COVID19 #newnormal #immune #journalism
A shooting at university used to be a big deal. Now it's barely breaking news... smh #NewNormal
Two people injured following shooting on Alabama A&M campus
An example of how Nothing Has Changed here in US.
Families struggling paycheck to pc. Mother is sick, symptoms fit COVID, testing only at ER or PCP, requires $100 co-pay, self-test supply limited/cost $25/kit/2 tests, work requires doc excuse, father has to work, sick Mom has to care for 5yo son at home (rather than him go to summer camp to expose & infect other people). #newnormal #uspublichealthservice #USgovtsucks #uspolitics
Yup. The US has returned to ‘Normal’.
#uspolitics #usgovtsucks #uspublichealthservice #newnormal
Yes it is. Haven't people been paying attention to #science?
#newnormal #climatechange #science
this came up in a conversation this morning . . .
Weird is the new normal
so now when I'm feeling stressed by the events of the world I'm just gonna pretend I'm a teenager again when being weird was my normal.
Ich lausche gerade einer studentischen Präsentation via Zoom und wir haben im Sinne des #NewNormal offensichtlich so gar nichts aus der Pandemie gelernt:
- Die Bildschirmfreigabe klappt nicht auf Anhieb im Vollbildmodus.
- Die Folien sind im 4:3-Format.
- Der Ton ist furchtbar und klingt wie das Echo eines Blecheimers. Warum macht man vorher keinen Audiotest?
Wenn man sich so online bei einer Firma bewirbt, würde man den Job wohl eher nicht bekommen, egal wie fachlich qualifiziert man ist.
Acabo de comenzar los dos primeros capítulos del tomo 1 de #NewNormal . Me ha encantando el juego de seducción constante que hay en base a una parte del cuerpo tan “normal” como puede ser la boca para nosotros; pero claro, para Natsuki y Hata…
Iré dosificando un poco, sólo hay 3 a la venta ahora mismo, pero estoy entregado.
#newnormal #manga #anime #comic #aiharaakito #arechi
The earth's climate catastrophe has passed the tipping point scientists have warned us about since at least 1990, when the first IPCC report was published. #ClimateChange #globalwarming #newnormal #ipcc
#ClimateChange #globalwarming #newnormal #ipcc
Heat warnings for the Palm Springs region for the weekend. Temps of over 120 degrees. It’s like watching a rapidly accelerating train headed for a curve without any brakes. And no one knows what a #newnormal will actually look like but the world we have known is disappearing.
#VCIndustry #Shrinkage #NewNormal #Illuminati #StrategicPositioning The venture industry needs to downsize to remain competitive in the current environment. The Illuminati is ready to step in and ensure that the strategic positions of the VCs are secure and their plans for long-term success are realized. #IlluminatedFuture #Pindar
#vcindustry #shrinkage #newnormal #illuminati #strategicpositioning #illuminatedfuture #pindar
Aylardan sonra ilk kez eski hayatıma dair bir rutini yapabileceğim diye sevinirken arkadaşların dalış için Hatay artçısında zemini yarılan yeri seçtiğini öğrendim 🥲
Sanırım bu, hayatın bana bir daha hiçbir şeyin asla eskisi gibi olmayacağını anlatma şekli.
We were engaged at the time.
Now we just say to each other, "You had three years...", which refers to the one year of dating and two years of being engaged, to discover how "normal" we were.
#newnormal #engaged #gayrelationships
Horrendous new normal: Millions skipping or cutting down on meals
Rampant food inflation & poor state support are forcing people in Britain to make impossible choices
Millions in Britain are having to cut down or skip meals amid the cost of living crisis, according to an anti-poverty charity.
#ToryCostOfLivingCrisis #hunger #poverty #inflation #CostOfLiving #ToryFascistDictatorship #UnitedKingdom #UK #DemocracyNotAutocracy #NewNormal
#newnormal #DemocracyNotAutocracy #uk #unitedkingdom #ToryFascistDictatorship #costofliving #inflation #poverty #hunger #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis