On the occasion of this year's AIIM Conference in New Orleans, the question arises, is the AIIM Association for Intelligent Information Management celebrating its 80th birthday this year, or only its 79th, or even only its 78th? We believe it is the 80th!
#AIIM #Association #IIM #IntelligentInformationManagement #Birthday #Jubilee #InformationManagement #Conference #NewOrelans #AIIM23 #AIIMintl
#aiim #association #iim #intelligentinformationmanagement #birthday #jubilee #informationmanagement #conference #neworelans #aiim23 #aiimintl
Anlässlich der diesjährigen AIIM Conference in New Orleans stellt sich die Frage, feiert die AIIM Association for Intelligent Information Management in diesem Jahr ihren 80sten oder erst 79sten oder gar erst 78sten Geburtstag? Wir glauben, es ist der 80ste!
#AIIM #Association #IIM #IntelligentInformationManagement #Birthday #Jubilee #InformationManagement #Conference #NewOrelans #AIIM23
#aiim #association #iim #intelligentinformationmanagement #birthday #jubilee #informationmanagement #conference #neworelans #aiim23
NWS New Orleans putting out this graphic on cold weather safety for #NOLA #NewOrelans -- looks like overnight lows of 18F there on Friday morning (not counting wind chill)