Weekly bass cover
L'arc~en~Ciel - READY STEADY GO
J-pop and J-rock consistently has some of my favorite playing. Even when it's relatively simple, it has such cool little bits, and it's often very rhythmically and harmonically dynamic. The little run up to the chorus in tetsu's part here does a neat thing where there's a tritone up to get up to D, which just sounds super cool.
#jpop #animeThemes #larcenciel #newOrleansMusicians #bassists #fullMetalAlchemist
#jpop #animethemes #larcenciel #neworleansmusicians #Bassists #fullmetalalchemist
https://www.facebook.com/bhasanovanola/ Check out my facebook page for a bunch more videos of this sort! #bassists #newOrleansMusicians #lgbtqMusicians #lgbtqBassists
#Bassists #neworleansmusicians #lgbtqmusicians #lgbtqbassists
Pride month music observance!
It's important to remember that queer people have existed forever; many seem to forget that and just focus on queer people of the 20th Century and onward. In particular, some legends of classical music were definitely or likely gay - among the "likely" category are Chopin and Handel, but Tchaikovsky is fully in the definite category.
Here's an attempt at the beginning of his violin concerto on bass.
#newOrleansMusicians #lgbtqMusicians #happyPride #lgbtqBassits #classical #romanticism #electroClassical #bassists
#neworleansmusicians #lgbtqmusicians #happypride #lgbtqbassits #classical #romanticism #electroclassical #Bassists
https://fb.watch/jZ9QJlPOtn/ in the works: Video Game covers project (mostly jazz). Here: Saria’s Song from Ocarina of Time. Many more in the works.
#jazz #newOrleans #bassists #newOrleansMusicians #vgm #zelda
#jazz #NewOrleans #Bassists #neworleansmusicians #vgm #zelda