FIRMM software provides real-time and summary feedback about motion during #fMRI. Although this can reduce motion during resting state studies, what about task studies?
Real-time feedback reduces participant motion during task-based fMRI
We pseudorandomly assigned participants to receive motion feedback, or not, during an fMRI study of spoken word recognition. We found feedback associated with modest-but-significant reductions in motion (framewise displacement), particularly for high-motion frames. For some studies, it could be that giving participants feedback about their motion will improve data quality.
#fmri #newneuropaper #newpaperneuro
Happy to share that this paper from Loretta Norton, Adrian Owen, and colleagues—which I had a small role in—is now out! (1/)
In this paper, we used #fMRI to assess the cognitive functions of people with acute disorders of consciousness, such as coma (following up on a mountain of prior work in chronic disorders of consciousness, much from Adrian's lab).
Functional Neuroimaging as an Assessment Tool in Critically Ill Patients
#fmri #newpaper #newneuropaper #newpaperneuro