This is not just a complex but a symbol of the aspirations of 140 crore Indians, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said about the new parliament building, which he inaugurated this morning in a grand ceremony which saw attendance from 25 parties.
#NewParliamentBuildingUnveiled #PM #NewDawn
#newparliamentbuildingunveiled #pm #newdawn
This is not just a complex but a symbol of the aspirations of 140 crore Indians, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said about the new parliament building, which he inaugurated this morning in a grand ceremony which saw attendance from 25 parties.
#NewParliamentBuildingUnveiled #PM #NewDawn
#newparliamentbuildingunveiled #pm #newdawn
This is not just a complex but a symbol of the aspirations of 140 crore Indians, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said about the new parliament building, which he inaugurated this morning in a grand ceremony which saw attendance from 25 parties.
#NewParliamentBuildingUnveiled #PM #NewDawn
#newparliamentbuildingunveiled #pm #newdawn