Update: #NewPipe toujours pas fonctionnel, il fait des erreurs réseau en milieu de vidéo. On va tester #LibreTube.
c'est vrai que ce serait bien.
peut-être qu'#Invidious ou #NewPipe pourra[it] le faire, en tout cas pour les vidéos publiques.
@strathearnrose @Peternimmo if you run Android can I introduce you you to #NewPipe ? It will open YouTube links and never show any ads. It's very slightly scuttery to set up but well worth the trouble to use.
@cadusilva Que bom. Salvos para testar depois.
Atualmente tenho #Newpipe no celular (também serve para ver #PeerTube), e #SmartTube na #FireTV. Este, recomendo muito também. Embora dê trabalho para instalar e configurar inicialmente, o esforço valeu a pena. Até agora está simplesmente perfeito, em minha humilde opinião. Pude desinstalar o aplicativo #YouTube oficial na #TV.
#newpipe #peertube #smarttube #firetv #youtube #tv
1) Sorry, I didn't see that. It's always worked pretty well for me
2) Just search for #PeerTube on #FDroid or Droidify. #NewPipe is my favorite, as it can handle both YT and PeerTube
3) I haven't done it myself, but it's a part of your PeerTube account config. @tilvids would know.
It's the classic "there's no software for it because it's not popular + it's not popular because there's no software for it" vicious cycle problem (I'm sure there's a better name for it, but I can't think of one)
On Android, there are many clients, with #NewPipe honestly being the best one IMO, although it's not peer-to-peer like the others.
I'm pretty sure yt-dlp works on #PeerTube as well as anywhere else, so it should be easy to create new clients for it.
@Alcarendor ¿Cuanta gente seguirá habiendo sin conocer este tipo de aplicaciones?
Yo era uno de esos hasta hace unos meses.
#newpipe #libretube #fdroid #YouTube
List of #cartoon #animation channels I found from #Peertube servers with #Sepia search part 1
If you're a Peertube fan you should check them out. If you use #Newpipe you can subscribe to all of them in one feed. due to 500 character limit there will be a part two post.
fera animations
African vulture
#cartoon #animation #peertube #sepia #newpipe
Dear #AskFedi*,
What will you do when* #Google finally decides to totally lock down #YouTube like the other streaming services?
*Not AskFedi in the sense of "I need help with something," but in the sense of an open-ended poll-type question
*I don't have a crystal ball, but considering the arms race between GOOG and projects like yt-dlp and #NewPipe, I don't think it's an "if."
#askfedi #google #youtube #newpipe
@kirschner #AntennaPod for Podcasts, #Fedilab for Mastodon and Fediverse, #Transistor for my daily #Dlf radio needs, #Aegis for #2FA, the recent version of #AnkiDroid for learning via flash cards, #SimpleGalleryPro for media management. #Auxio as a simple yet nice looking audio player. #OrganicMaps as an simple alternative to the mighty #OsmAnd. #NewPipe for my video streaming needs (even though #LibreTube is a very fine alternative when it exclusively comes to #YouTube), #Quillpad for taking notes, #KeePassDX as password manager. #DAVx5 to get stuff synchronized, #FairEmail as email client. #Feeder for my RSS feed needs. And finally the still new #FDroidBasic client allowing automatic updates of installed apps.
Recently tried out #SimpleX messenger and like it quite a bit so far. @fdroid
#transistor #simplex #fdroidbasic #feeder #fairemail #davx5 #keepassdx #quillpad #youtube #LibreTube #newpipe #osmand #organicMaps #auxio #simplegallerypro #ankidroid #2fa #aegis #dlf #fedilab #antennapod
Shoot! Clipious is not working 🙄. I said a few days ago that it was better than #newpipe bc it wasn't as buggy...
Well I feel silly now. 🥴
To be fair, I do kvetch a lot, but #NewPipe is a fantastic piece of kit.
The battery drain and the weird error that pops up every time I connect to my car's BT are annoying, but overall, it's the very best Youtube client on earth.
I had the same Problem with crashing NewPipe a while ago and was almost at the same Way as you, finding and install another App. 🙄
But after I updated NewPipe on the latest Version, everything was fine again. 😏
Good to know there are many Alternatives. 👍