Leftist and rightists both updated their beliefs on political and non-political issues in the face of counter-evidence to the same degree.
Individual differences in threat sensitivity also did not play a role.
@socialpsych @politicalscience #research #ideology #psych #newpsychresearch #socpsych #politics
#research #ideology #psych #newpsychresearch #socpsych #politics
People like political ingroups more than outgroups around the world
This gap is widened when people share belief system *structure* and narrowed when they share belief system *content*
Felicity Turner-Zwinkels, Jochem van Noord, Rebekka Kesberg and many more!
#newresearch #politics #polarization #polisci #sociology #socPsych #newpsychresearch @socialpsych @politicalscience @orgbehavior
#NewResearch #politics #polarization #polisci #sociology #socpsych #newpsychresearch
Tutorial for selecting the number and labels of topics in topic modeling: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/25152459231160105
#researchmethods #research #topicmodeling #datascience #psych #newpsychresearch #socpsych #personaliy #methods
#researchmethods #research #topicmodeling #datascience #psych #newpsychresearch #socpsych #personaliy #methods
When it comes to climate change, perceived inequality positively predicts people’s support for structural (vs. individual-level behavior) change policies
#socpsych #polpsych #newpaper #research #climate #climatechange #climateaction #inequality #climateemergency #newpsychresearch
#socpsych #polpsych #newpaper #research #climate #climatechange #climateaction #inequality #climateemergency #newpsychresearch
Liberals and conservative use similar moral words, but they attach different meanings to those words
Maybe seems obvious, but suggests that moral politics is a competition over *meaning* and not promoting specific values
It also has implications for how we think about and use (or don't use) dictionary methods for understanding morality in text and speech.
#polisci #newresearch #newpaper #morality #socpsych #newpsychresearch @socialpsych @politicalscience #textasdata
#polisci #NewResearch #newpaper #morality #socpsych #newpsychresearch #TextAsData
It's ok if you're different from your partner
Similarity in personality does not predict life or relationship satisfaction of partners.
#newpaper #personality #romance #newpsychresearch #relationships #happiness
#newpaper #personality #romance #newpsychresearch #relationships #happiness
Political arguments are the most persuasive when written...
by women
by liberals
by the intellectually humble
by the low party identifiers
for the in-party
were longer
#NewPsychResearch #newpaper #politics #polisci #socpsych @socialpsych @politicalscience
#newpsychresearch #newpaper #politics #polisci #socpsych
Darker skin tone predicted more perceived discrimination and more depressive symptoms in a longitudinal study of Indigenous people in Chile
#NewPsychResearch #newpaper #socpsych #polpsych #research #depression #discrimination #Chile @socialpsych
#newpsychresearch #newpaper #socpsych #polpsych #research #depression #discrimination #chile
Is affective polarization party specific, or do people make distinctions between political camps in multi-party systems?
New work shows camps matter: "affect is most polarized between Left and Right camps, and between the Radical Right and other camps"
#NewPsychResearch #polisci #socpsych #polpsych #research #polarization #radicalright #newpaper @socialpsych @politicalscience
#newpsychresearch #polisci #socpsych #polpsych #research #polarization #RadicalRight #newpaper
Americans estimate, often inaccurately, that society has made linear progress on social issues
This belief is correlated with the belief that people are getting more politically liberal and that government regulation is increasing over time
#NewPsychResearch #PolPsych #SocPsych #MoralPsych #psychology #politicalscience @socialpsych @orgbehavior @politicalscience
#newpsychresearch #polpsych #socpsych #moralpsych #psychology #politicalscience
People whose ancestors have a tighter kinship structure tend to have more right-wing cultural attitudes
#SocPsych #PolPsych #NewPsychResearch @socialpsych @politicalscience @orgbehavior
#socpsych #polpsych #newpsychresearch
A RCT designed to affect conscientiousness-related skills with low-skilled employed workers in Senegal increased wages 9months post intervention
#Personality #SocPsych #NewPsychResearch #RCT @socialpsych @orgbehavior
#personality #socpsych #newpsychresearch #RCT
The belief that men are better suited emotionally for politics than women predicts support for Trump over Clinton, particularly among White voters.
#newpsychresearch #socpsych #polpsych #polisci
Greedier people have...
⬆️ household income
⬆️ sexual partners,
⬇️ children,
⬇️ lasting romantic relationships
⬇️ lower well-being
#newpsychresearch #socpsych #greed #happiness
A new paper suggests that the reason poverty is related to support for authoritarianism is because of feelings of shame/exclusion experienced when in poverty
Although shame does seem to be a robust predictor, as far as I can tell, they never find that poverty is associated with authoritarianism in their own data?
#NewPsychResearch #SocPsych #PolPsych #PoliSci @socialpsych @politicalscience
#newpsychresearch #socpsych #polpsych #polisci
The cross-lagged panel model "is very likely to find spurious cross-lagged effects when they don’t exist, while also underestimating them when they do." ...
"Given these concerns, it would seem prudent to abandon the use of the CLPM for causal analysis of longitudinal data"
by @richlucas
A meta analysis linking religiosity with life satisfaction.
But that looks a lot like publication bias to me
#NewPsychResearch #SocPsych @socialpsych #happiness #religion
#newpsychresearch #socpsych #happiness #religion
Opponents of trans-inclusive policies in the US and UK claim that concerns about male violence are the primary reason for their opposition, but attitudes toward transgender people more strongly predict policy views
#NewPsychResearch #PoliSci #SocPsych #Moral Psych #PolPsych @politicalscience @socialpsych
#newpsychresearch #polisci #socpsych #moral #polpsych
Disgust is associated with harsher moral judgments (r = .2ish), but the association is stronger for...
-sexual disgust (~.25) vs pathogen disgust (~.18)
-sanctity moral judgments (~.3) vs other domains (~.2 or less) of moral judgments
(open) https://psyarxiv.com/scvr2/
🔒 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17540739221114643
#newpsychresearch #socpsych #moralpsych
People believe politically aligned terrorism is motivated less by the internal characteristics of the terrorists (e.g., hate, evil) and more by external factors (e.g., injustice, oppression)
#newpsychresearch #socpsych #polpsych #polisci