Kotaku: What’s Included (And What’s Not) In Cyberpunk 2077’s Free 2.0 Update https://kotaku.com/cyberpunk-2077-phantom-liberty-update-2-0-free-patch-1850797911?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #nanotechnologyinfiction #developmentofcyberpunk #prostheticsinfiction #phantomliberty #windowsgames #cdprojektred #solomonreed #cyberpunk #cdprojekt #hedgehog2 #idriselba #newrelic #twitter #phantom #luther #relic
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #nanotechnologyinfiction #developmentofcyberpunk #prostheticsinfiction #phantomliberty #windowsgames #cdprojektred #solomonreed #cyberpunk #cdprojekt #hedgehog2 #idriselba #newrelic #Twitter #phantom #Luther #relic
#qiita #NewRelic #observability
#qiita #newrelic #observability
New Relicのモバイルアプリ使ったことありますか?
#qiita #NewRelic #MobileApp #observability
#qiita #newrelic #mobileapp #observability
Windowsサービスの情報をNew Relicに連携してみます!
#qiita #Windows #NewRelic #WindowsServer #observability #windowsservice
#qiita #windows #newrelic #windowsserver #observability #windowsservice
AWS System Manager DistributorでNew Relic Infrastructure Agentをインストールする
#qiita #AWS #NewRelic #AutoScaling #SystemManager #observability
#qiita #aws #newrelic #autoscaling #systemmanager #observability
New Relicに送ったログに含まれるIPアドレスから位置情報を抽出してみる
#qiita #NewRelic #geo #log #observability
#qiita #newrelic #geo #log #observability
📢 On tomorrow's livestream we have Peter Pezaris @pezter from New Relic to demo how #NewRelic #CodeStream brings production telemetry data into VS Code to keep your production running! Join us live ▶️ https://aka.ms/code-livestream-page
8 am Seattle / 11 am New York / 4 pm London
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/code/status/1686765553849958400
Lately I have had a lot of questions sent my way around #NewRelic APM and #Ruby. I figured I might help out some teams by showing a demo #sinatra #ruby app that sends trace data to #NewRelic in a variety of ways. We will explore #Zipkin, #Docker and #K8s, and using #OpenTelemetry to relay to multiple #APM at once. https://freshbrewed.science/2023/07/25/ruby-app-newrelic.html
#apm #opentelemetry #k8s #docker #zipkin #sinatra #ruby #newrelic
So @asciiphil just won the #NewRelic contest at #devopsdays #Baltimore :baltcity: by diving into instrumentation of the Dangerous Dave side scroller game probably with more enthusiasm than the original authors.
#newrelic #devopsdays #baltimore
@stepschwarz oye, we struggled with getting things working so that there would be usable in-depth #WordPress information from #NewRelic , it came down to requiring a lot of manual setup using deep knowledge of what you are trying to track. We had this challenge for both Drupal & WordPress actually. We ultimately gave up do to the cost and maintenance overhead.
I would be interested to hear if someone has something good they put together so that NR could actually be useable for a WordPress site.
I dropped my New Relic usage from ~12G/day to 2G/day, hopefully that's stable so I stay inside the 100G free tier. #NewRelic
I've no idea if any of this is "correct," but I've got a New Relic dashboard that shows Postgres table stats for this Mastodon server. Currently it's got the row count and table size of the Accounts and Statuses tables.
Python source for the data collection is here: http://i.abackstrom.com/share/2023/pgstats.py.txt
Is it just me or is #NewRelic down? Trying to log into one.newrelic.com and it just spins forever. 😔
New post over on my blog. Part 1 of 3:
#monitoring #observability #newrelic #pihole
What is a good SaaS tool to monitor the performance of a Linux (#Debian) server? CPU, memory, disk, network, plus log files. It needs to be able to generate alerts when things go wrong. I've read about #NewRelic and #Datadog but have no experience with either. Anything else I should look at?
Someone REALLY wants to go to #NewRelic o11y Day in Miami! (Who can blame him?)
It's time for another episode of #NewRelic 's "The Uptime", where host Jemiah Sius talks about in-product extended retention with Data Plus, GCP flow logs, extensions for Pixie, template variables, and our State of Logs report.
Here in Dallas, we're at the first #NewRelic#NewRelic o11y day in over 2 years, and my colleague Daniel Kim is dropping OTel knowledge bombs.
Using NewRelic as a solo developer is like having a free devops team just for you that ensure your infra is more or less up do date with latest observability trends with minimal effort.
I love it.