@greem The first three words of this post is pretty much all I've understood from the #NewRouterDay saga, so YAY!
Unbox first one.
Follow steps on #OpenWRT device page:
Enable SSH with custom config upload.
SSH in and upload an initramfs image, set to boot from that, boot from that.
Upload and install snapshot image.
Unbox second one.
Forget the initramfs image.
Faff about with USB-serial UART connection. RX works, TX doesn't.
Order 4-pin prewired JST PH connector.
Wait for tomorrow!
One out of two isn't bad though, right?
#newrouterday #openwrt #bricked
It's #NewRouterDay.
Finally decided to step into the world of 802.11ax with a bargain pair of Dynalink AX3600 devices.
Will get #OpenWRT onto them and then set them up as a mesh.
Toy time!