@jelliedchemicals @riskybusiness @OliverUv #Newsblur can take those emails and aggregate them with the rest of your RSS.
For instance, I sub to SMBC comics. I don't allow smbc-comics.com in NoScript, but the interactive button on the comic page worked.
Eventually I realized that NewsBlur is apparently inlining the remote content and running it as if it were local to the app.
That basically means that #NewsBlur is not just vulnerable to #XSS, but deliberately abusing it to implement one of its features. Super dangerous.
Having seen that, I can no longer consider using NewsBlur.
Hm, wo heute TinyTinyRSS (https://tt-rss.org) und https://NewsBlur.com erwähnt wurden, sehe ich gerade in meinen Notizen noch https://FreshRSS.org) als selbst hostbaren RSS-Reader. Insgesamt war ich bisher zu faul...
#FreshRSS #Newsblur #TinyTinyRSS #RSS #rssReader #selfHosting
#freshrss #newsblur #tinytinyrss #rss #rssreader #selfhosting
Does anyone use (or has previously) any of #Inoreader, #Newsblur, or #Feedbin and have any opinions about them to share with me? As I slowly try to reorganize and reorient how I do things I feel like I want start using a good rss reader for organization and keeping on top of things.
#inoreader #newsblur #feedbin #rss
#NewsBlur is misbehaving for me today on desktop. I read items and then they keep coming back on refresh, until I use the manual "mark all as read" button. Pretty annoying.
Aside from the #Fediverse, my only other news source is #RSS, using #NewsBlur. I recognize that there's a desire for "real time" news, but given the low quality of such sources, I'm guessing that doesn't have a whole lot of genuine value, though I'm sure there are some cases where it does have some. Personally, I no longer use #Twitter at all and have deleted my account, but I never did form real connections there.
#fediverse #rss #newsblur #twitter
My solution was to just sub the Wowhead news site, then train #Newsblur to ignore the other game tags. https://www.wowhead.com/news/rss/all
You can try it with a free account at newsblur.com, but if it's what you'd like then it's self hostable too.
If you want something a little more lightweight, with a different approach to filtering, to self host then #tt-rss is worth a look.
Pair either with #huginn to pull in #rss feeds from places that don't have them or that need pre-filtering.
Happy to give pointers to getting these going, if you need them
Om du ikke liker nyhetene om #feedly så må du gjerne gi @newsblur en sjanse! Har brukt den fast i flere år med RSS-strømmene mine nå. 😁
#feedly #teknologi #Norsktut #allheimen #newsblur #rss
Newsblur saves me countless hours sifting through my news & hobby sites.
Well worth the subscription.
#rss #newsblur https://www.newsblur.com/about
I wrote a script today that takes a #birdsite user's feed from #RSSHub and converts the content to an embedded tweet by reaching out to publish.twitter.com. It looks pretty slick. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with all #rss readers. A lot of them strip out the required javascript. It does look good in #Newsblur though. This method doesn't require API access. Hopefully it keeps working once it’s gone.
#birdsite #rsshub #rss #newsblur
LMAO. seems like private RSS feeds are basically impossible with #newsblur
Cleaning up feeds in #NewsBlur and only 3 feeds in the "Comics" folder have updated in the last year :blob_pensive:
@zepfanman I use #Newsblur. Anything will aggregate #Mastodon, but #Inoreader and #Feedbin have made it easy. If you want to host it there's #FreshRSS.
#newsblur #Mastodon #inoreader #feedbin #freshrss