RT Newsbook.com.mt
Magistrate orders inquiry into No Deposit Cars and its representatives
Read more: https://i.newsbook.com.mt/Yh5XxBR
#localnws #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Newsbook_com_mt/status/1686349810444771328
#localnws #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT Newsbook.com.mt
The ties between former Pilatus Bank risk manager Antoniella Gauci, her family and Prime Minister Robert Abela are the key to understanding why the Attorney General decided not to prosecute Pilatus Bank’s top brass.
@RobertAbela_MT #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Newsbook_com_mt/status/1678766090246291456
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Repubblika president addresses Palermo event marking anniversary of Capaci bombing
#localnews #newsupdate #latestnews @repubblikaMT #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1661312341055623171
#LocalNews #newsupdate #latestnews #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Police chief is 'biggest obstacle to justice'
@repubblikaMT #Localnews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1658829438149165068
#LocalNews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
You could t make it up. When @MaltaPolice need a car for an undercover operation, they lease a car l, with a data tracking device inside, from a known criminal. Otherwise how would the underworld know of the Police surveillance? @repubblikaMT
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: The police did not reply to the latest set of questions
#localnews #latestnews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1643251647491997696
#LocalNews #latestnews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
Gennata tal-prima klassi. Lanqas fl-iskejjel f’Arizona ma jaghmluha.
Ghandna dritt inkunu nafu x’inhi l-pozizzjoni tal-@PNmalta car u tond? Leadership not selfies. You can’t run with the hares & hunt with the hounds @BirdLife_Malta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Esibizzjoni ta’ kaċċa fl-iskejjel: “Jippromwovu l-armi fost it-tfal”
#Children #education #students #hunting #localnews #latestnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1619272845393301504
#children #education #Students #hunting #LocalNews #latestnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: L-eks Ministru Laburista @EvaristBartolo saqsa jekk jagħmilx sens li tressaq “soluzzjoni li toħloq iżjed problemi”.
#abortion #localnews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1616011147257290753
#abortion #LocalNews #newsupdate #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Sostna li l-eks Kummissarju Cutajar telliflu d-dritt għall-pensjoni tas-servizz fil-korp
#localnews #latestnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1603375511341858818
#LocalNews #latestnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: A court has rejected a request to admit former disgraced prime minister Joseph Muscat and his wife, Michelle, as parte civile, in criminal proceedings against former inspector Jonathan Ferris, who is being charged with perjury.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1577667601915944961
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: "Fil-protesta li ser issir illejla fil-Belt Valletta jien ħa nispjega għaliex il-korruzzjoni li teżisti f’dan il-kuntratt hi ħażina legalment, politikament, moralment u fuq kollox soċjalment." - Dr Robert Aquilina
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1567033048251748356
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Transport Malta has not replied to questions on what will happen to candidates who passed their driving tests after receiving favourable treatment.
#driverslisence #transport #Malta #localnews #latestnews #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1565588102223220736
#driverslisence #Transport #Malta #LocalNews #latestnews #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: “This is an unprecedented step in this country, we have never had civil society present in court a part of a magisterial inquiry,” Aquilina said at a press conference outside of the Law Courts on Thursday morning.
#localnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1565286108052819969
#LocalNews #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Portelli’s residential units in Jerma up for sale, despite having no permit
Read more: https://i.newsbook.com.mt/FpK8J21
#Jerma #residentialunits #upforsale #nopermit #localnews #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1550466999247142913
#Jerma #residentialunits #upforsale #nopermit #LocalNews #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: "Malta finds out about its worst crimes not through its police force but from journalists". - Prof. Kevin Cassar
#Malta #Gafà #Reuters #journalists #blog #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1550074143403646979
#Malta #Gafà #Reuters #journalists #blog #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: "Xi drabi nġemmgħu ħwejjeġ li m’għandniex bżonnhom u ninkeddu fuq ħwejjeġ li mhumiex neċessarji. Jista’ jkun, u dawn jafu joħolqu ħafna tbatijiet". - Ivan Bartolo
#Shinar #blogg #Malta #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1541415674769276928
#Shinar #blogg #Malta #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Inspector will be made scapegoat as police cover up for Muscat – Azzopardi
Read more: https://i.newsbook.com.mt/2m3cDLY
@azzopardijason #scapecoat #police #thursday #malta #maltese #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1532480610807209999
#scapecoat #Police #thursday #Malta #Maltese #newsbookmalta
RT @Newsbook_com_mt: Former MP @azzopardijason has asked whether the #Maltese government would follow suit in #expelling Russian diplomats over #Russia’s alleged war crimes.
#RussianDiplomats #diplomats #maltese #newsbookmalta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1512012283773390848
#Maltese #expelling #russia #RussianDiplomats #diplomats #newsbookmalta