Global News BC: New school opens in Coquitlam as call for action on B.C. teacher shortage continues #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CoastSalishElementarySchool #newCoquitlamschool #newschoolCoquitlam #FirstDayOfSchool #CoquitlamNews #newschoolyear #BCgovernment #RachnaSingh #Education #LabourDay #DavidEby
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #coastsalishelementaryschool #newcoquitlamschool #newschoolcoquitlam #firstdayofschool #CoquitlamNews #newschoolyear #BCgovernment #rachnasingh #education #labourday #DavidEby
Global News BC: ‘We’re disturbed’: Not everyone is welcoming police officers back to Vancouver schools #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #policereturningtoVancouverschools #SchoolLiaisonOfficerProgram #VancouverPoliceDepartment #VancouverSchoolDistrict #schoolliaisonofficers #VancouverPoliceBoard #VancouverSchoolBoard #policeinschools #vancouverpolice #newschoolyear #Education
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #policereturningtovancouverschools #SchoolLiaisonOfficerProgram #VancouverPoliceDepartment #VancouverSchoolDistrict #schoolliaisonofficers #VancouverPoliceBoard #VancouverSchoolBoard #policeinschools #vancouverpolice #newschoolyear #education
It's happening again! I am hosting another executive function webinar!
Details are in the registration form. This one is happening SOON. I will do another one at the beginning of the school year if there is enough interest.
Please share widely and directly to people you think will be interested, as organic reach has been murdered.
Please remember that there is an optional but encouraged fundraiser that I am supporting with this event. No one will be turned away, but every little bit helps keep a single Black mother housed: link in registration.
#ExecutiveFunction #webinar #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #ADHD #AcademicChatter #NewSchoolYear #Fundraiser #MutualAid
#executiveFunction #webinar #actuallyautistic #AuDHD #adhd #academicchatter #newschoolyear #fundraiser #MutualAid
#Nuovo anno scolastico, le lezioni inizieranno il 13 settembre
Pescara. Prenderanno il via mercoledì 13 settembre 2023 le lezioni dell’anno scolastico 2023/2024. Lo comunica l’assessore regionale all’Istruzione, Pietro Quaresimale. “La data di avvio delle lezioni – dice l’assessore – è stata concordata con l’ufficio scolastico regionale che ha dato il proprio assenso alla proposta presentata dalla Regione Abruzzo. In linea con quanto prevede la
L'articolo #Nuovo anno scolastico, le lezioni inizieranno il 13 settembre sembra essere il primo su AbruzzoLive.
#Newschoolyear, classes start on 13 September
Pescara. Lessons for the 2023/2024 school year will start on Wednesday, 13 September 2023. This was announced by the Regional Councillor for Education, Pietro Quaresimale. "The date for the start of lessons," says the councillor, "was agreed with the regional school office, which gave its approval to the proposal submitted by the Abruzzo Region. In line with the
The article #Newschoolyear, lessons will start on 13 September appeared first on AbruzzoLive.
30-5-2023 16:13 #AbruzzoLive
#nuovo #newschoolyear #abruzzolive
This is crazy. We've started the (home)schooling year proper and as I'm prepping my props for lessons, I feel like a newbie teacher all over again. #newschoolyear #jitters #homeschooling #waldorf #classone
#classone #Waldorf #homeschooling #jitters #newschoolyear