THURSDAY NEWS IN A RUSH: Top headlines in today’s NewsMinute video
The top stories from around the globe you’ll be talking about today in a 60-second clip
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Aurora 2022: A year in photos
As 2022 comes to a close, we revisit some of our most memorable stories and photos from the year. Among them, the firing of former Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson. Supporters hosted a rally for her in April.
#2022inreview #auroraco #newsconeeds
2023 GROWING VOICES: Aurora students offer stark reflections on the American Dream
"My American dream is for Latinos that live in this country to be considered American."
#AmericanDream #immigration #newsconeeds #edcolo
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Colorado wildfires grow more unpredictable as officials ignore warnings
“To me, it’s unconscionable to have people rebuilding in an unsafe manner”
#newsconeeds #nopaywallhere #wildfire #marshallfire
EDITORIAL: Jan. 6 committee report serves as a righteous indictment of Trump’s crimes as president
"The facts of the case against Trump for his fervent ploy...are profound, prolific and indisputable."
#copolitics #jan6thcommittee #newsconeeds
PERRY: A skeptical Aurora looks to another police chief for transparency and accountability
While Aurora trades police chiefs like baseball cards, people of color still dread having contact with an Aurora cop.
#copolitics #policereform #newsconeeds
Community leaders say Aurora councilman mocking Mexicans, Muslims, others in FaceBook ads ‘offensive’ and ‘racist’
“It’s disrespectful, and it’s insulting to our city. Aurora is a very multicultural city.”
#copolitics #auroraco #newsconeeds
MI - PRESCRIPTION FOR CHANGE: 2023 bringing public health transformation in east metroplex
“I think everyone’s ultimate goal is to ensure that there’s continuity of public health services"
#copolitics #auroraco #newsconeeds #nopaywallhere
MI - PRESCRIPTION FOR CHANGE: 2023 bringing public health transformation in east metroplex
“I think everyone’s ultimate goal is to ensure that there’s continuity of public health services"
#copolitics #auroraco #newsconeeds #nopaywallhere
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Details in 2021 case with #ClubQ shooter suggest missteps
Alan Dershowitz: “This seems like a case of prosecutorial incompetence”
#clubq #copolitics #gunviolence #nopaywallhere #newsconeeds
Details in 2021 case with #ClubQ shooter suggest missteps
Alan Dershowitz: “This seems like a case of prosecutorial incompetence”
#clubq #copolitics #gunviolence #nopaywallhere #newsconeeds
PRESCRIPTION FOR CHANGE: 2023 bringing public health transformation in east metroplex
“I think everyone’s ultimate goal is to ensure that there’s continuity of public health services"
#copolitics #auroraco #newsconeeds #nopaywallhere
Pine Ridge Elementary creates ‘sensory hallway’ using district wellness grant
“We have a lot of indoor recess in the winters and it’s a place where kids can come and have an outlet”
#edcolo #newsconeeds #nopaywallhere
APS receives grant to increase vaccine confidence in community
“There’s a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to vaccines, especially for kids”
#newsconeeds #edcolo #vaccines
PERRY: The road to reality gets bumpy with Aurora Republicans promoting a way to cheat TABOR
So what’s a responsible government to do when it needs to spend money on desperately needed improvements but can’t get past TABOR to make it happen?
#copolitics #coleg #newsconeeds #nopaywallhere
PERRY: The story behind the stories in Aurora, about sacrifice and determination, are linked to you
"These are the journalists who do so much, so often, that it appears we have a staff far larger than it is"
#newsconeeds #copolitics #nopaywallhere
In an apparent referendum, APS board votes 4-3 on Superintendent Munn exit pact
“Given my relatively long tenure, an emphasis should be placed on stability and on a transfer of institutional knowledge.”
#newsconeeds #edcolo #copolitics