Lord Gregory Opera · @gregoryopera
2 followers · 52 posts · Server mastodon.au

‘Evil’: Joyce message that went too far - apple.news/ACsrkK0s-QsCIYSlnd8 | Ah, News.com.au… They’ll gladly call out abuse directed at Alan Joyce, whilst ignoring the fact that we’re about to have a blatantly ! Can anybody say “hypocrisy”? |

#racist #referendum #alanjoyce #qantas #racism #voice #thevoice #hypocrisy #newscorp

Last updated 1 year ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
299 followers · 270 posts · Server aus.social

Dear lord he did the DNA review and gave credit to for reporting it. This now questions the integrity of that review. I wonder if we are going to hear from minister tomorrow.


#newscorp #qldhealth #qldpol

Last updated 1 year ago

"Non-disparagement" 😶

Wonder if Higgins spotted that little easter egg buried in 1pt Bodoni amongst the ten thousand pages of her NDA.

"The former Defence minister is also claiming Higgins breached a settlement contract entered in 2021 containing a non-disparagement clause that disallowed her from speaking negatively about Reynolds."

#auspol #newscorp

Last updated 1 year ago

AJ Sadauskas · @ajsadauskas
2483 followers · 7485 posts · Server aus.social

So just imagine we let one man, and his company, buy most of the papers in our regional cities and small towns.

And that man was named Rupert Murdoch.

And that man decided to shut down the print editions, and instead put those papers behind the paywalls of his big right-wing metropolitan tabloids.

Want to read the local newspaper in Lismore? It's now behind the Daily Telegraph paywall.

And then that man gutted the editorial team for each online newspaper to just one person.

And then used generative AI to centrally churn out 3000 local news articles per week across all his local publications, overseen by four human journalists.



#auspol #newscorp #murdoch #vicpol #nswpol #qldpol #sapol #wapol

Last updated 1 year ago

Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
4 followers · 5753 posts · Server dromedary.seedoubleyou.me

Email arrived just now from my 84 year old sister, lamenting a conversation with her two younger sisters who live in Tasmania - both comfortably well-off and living, you would correctly assume, totally wonderful lives in a beautiful little village north of Hobart:


"Thank you so much for some decent reading... especially after a dismal and disappointing phone chat with Lynne, in which I had to stomach the virtues of Little Winston, Scott Morrison, and the evils of The Voice.

"This was preceded by a chat with Kerrie about the wonderful Alan Jones and his views on The Voice!

"Oh, where of where did I come from to be placed in this family... I don't understand how I came to have such opposite values. What a mystery... certainly cuts out meaningful dialogue."

It would seem these two old biddies - my otherwise loving and sweet elder sisters!) and their NewsCorpse-induced hatred of The Voice - could do with a small history lesson about the former inhabitants of Van Diemen's Land.

#auspol #thevoice #newscorp #murdoch #sky

Last updated 1 year ago

FinchHaven · @FinchHaven
200 followers · 14104 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

The is, of course, owned by

You know

The Rupert -founded news conglomerate that also owns

You may have heard of them

cc @memeorandum

#newscorp #murdoch #foxnews #wallstreetjournal

Last updated 1 year ago

A conservative propagandist hosting his web show on a hate speech network following his dismissal from regular TV. What are the odds?

#fox #foxnewslies #tuckercarlson #newscorp #20thcenturyfox

Last updated 1 year ago

scandrof · @scandrof
286 followers · 4729 posts · Server aus.social

Interesting to note that the 3 countries specifically quoted as being in reputational ditches internationally have something very important in common - the anti-climate change action, anti-environment, hardline conservative Murdoch media are most influential in those same three nations.

Sure, a few wins are listed, but it should also be remembered that the same-sex marriage listed as a success came at a very high cost to the LGBTQ community due to the divisive process of a plebiscite (a non-binding public vote) the conservative govt chose to hold before the SSM vote in Parliament. Many very nasty, hurtful & ill-informed comments were thrown at the LGBTQ community in the lead-up to the (totally unnecessary) plebiscite.

Australia’s reputation has been hit. We need more than Sarah Snook for success smh.com.au/national/australia-

#foreignrelations #murdoch #newscorp #australia

Last updated 1 year ago


I'm sorry did you say that news.com.au is Australia's leading news site?

By who's fucking measure?

Australia's least reliable news site.
Australia's biggest source of lies pretending to be news.
Australia's leading advertising arm of the RWCNJ LNP cvnts.
Australia's leading employer of stenographers pretending to be journalists whilst not having any writing skills.
Australia's only employer who tells all staff to leave their ethics at the door.

#newscorp #newscorpse #murdochisacunt #murdoch #liar #journalism #lol

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris Hall · @Platform_Journalism
728 followers · 134 posts · Server aus.social

I'm super excited! About to join this webinar about legal privileges for Australian journalists. The panel includes a lawyer, a News Corp journalist, and an ABC journalist. :awesome_rotate:

#journalism #journalist #newsmedia #law #medialaw #legal #newscorp #abc #journalists

Last updated 1 year ago

Mister Mustard · @mustardon
237 followers · 489 posts · Server aus.social

Given the tiny audience for SkyNews after dark, and the niche audiences for the print mastheads behind their paywalls, we have to ask if most Australians would even notice what News Corporation journalists were doing were it not for the publicity given by the ABC, under the rubric of “balance”? ~ Margaret Simons.


#abc #newscorp

Last updated 1 year ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
252 followers · 322 posts · Server aus.social

: a foreign owned media organisation which has a monopoly in 2 states. They will spread their bile like a pandemic and then try and argue some moral high ground BS.

BTW where was the management of the for Jasmin


#newscorp #abc

Last updated 1 year ago

Tony 💉x5 · @kongakong
226 followers · 720 posts · Server masto.ai
Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
40962 followers · 40310 posts · Server mamot.fr

Another important risk from "bargaining codes" and link taxes is that they tend to favor the largest and/or most sensationalist news companies, who have the leverage to bargain for the highest sums. In Australia, 's bargaining for a sizable payment from the tech sector - but then it laid off its news workers. Merely transferring money to media giants doesn't mean an increase in investment in news.


#rupertmurdoch #newscorp

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
138 followers · 2468 posts · Server aus.social


Any is much smarter than hartcher.

I watch on because I find Speers to be a stooge with no intelligence in his own right.

Hartcher and Speers together are a pair of earth worm's nuts.

#insiders #mastodon #newscorp

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
137 followers · 2342 posts · Server aus.social
Nonilex · @Nonilex
458 followers · 1506 posts · Server masto.ai

Company execs have indicated that a variety of factors fed into the decision to fire after stood by him for years as he drew protest & advertiser boycotts for trafficking in & narratives of . But they acknowledge that the discovery of what was in the redacted text messages was an important factor in his ultimate dismissal.

#tuckercarlson #fox #conspiracytheories #whitegrievance #foxnews #fauxnews #newscorp #rupertmurdoch #propaganda #ethics #journalism

Last updated 2 years ago