"With no real grasp of our viewing area or the flavor of our local news, Sinclair pushed its agenda on us."
Longtime #KTVL anchor Trish Glose reflects on the move to kill off the station's local #news operations. #newsdesert
“They were planning to keep the entire community, all of Southern Oregon in the dark, all of our viewers in the dark, until our last day, until our last broadcast,” Taylar Ansures, digital content producer at #KTVL said. #media #newsdesert
The fate of local news: How America's largest #newspaper company is creating #news deserts, from National Public Radio #media #legacymedia #Gannett #GateHouse #newsdesert
#newsdesert #gatehouse #Gannett #legacymedia #Media #News #newspaper
Brief history of community weekly #newspapers in #Columbus, #Ohio, USA.
A quote from the author: "it's actually insane how the local weeklies went from ubiquitous, well-read and profitable, to completely irrelevant, in the span of about 15 years. RIP. "
#WeeklyNewspaper #Media #Journalism #Print #ThisWeek #Gannett #NewsDesert
#newsdesert #Gannett #ThisWeek #print #journalism #media #WeeklyNewspaper #ohio #columbus #newspapers
Southern Oregon is now a #NewsDesert.
Today is the last day of #NewsMatch for The Clayton Crescent. We’ve had a strong uptick in local supporters, as well as a couple of donor advised fund gifts. Join us today, Dec. 31, and your tax-deductible gift will be matched in metro Atlanta’s most underserved #newsdesert. We need all hands on deck today. Thank you. https://donorbox.com/clayton-crescent
I learned this week that the entire #augmentedreality team at #Gannett and #usatoday was laid off. This is the team that grew out of the #virtualreality #xr #journalism work I was involved with back in 2014.
Raise a glass to them, and rightly worry for innovation in local journalism in the digital age. This will add to the #newsdesert problem.
#augmentedreality #Gannett #usatoday #VirtualReality #xr #Journalism #newsdesert
@shanselman Was able to switch to permanent mail-in voting this year. We love it because we live in a local news desert and voting by-mail (or drop box) gives us time to figure out the local issues like which judges or Board of Education members to vote for and decoding the legalese of county & state ballot proposals. #VoteByMail #NewsDesert