The drama in the song is not just that "the other day [they] met a bear".
The drama is that the other day they met a TALKING bear.
#newsflash #buryingthelead #campsongs
Weiß jemand, wie #kategorien im #RSSreader #Newsflash nachträglich geändert werden können? 🤔 Oder ob es dazu einen bestehenden #issue gibt?
#kategorien #rssreader #newsflash #issue #rss #linux #opensource #foss
Hungry for news that do not repeat what the main news channels broadcast or that throw a different light on events?
Check out our new blue button 'Latest News' on the Home Page of our website:
Let us know what you think.
#news #newsflash #breakingnews #newlightnews
Acabaré odiando #Mutter, #Wayland y la jodida #X11. Las ventanas tienen un comportamiento diferente en la sesión de X11 y Wayland. La que creo que es la correcta y cómoda ocurre en Wayland. En X11, por ejemplo, tengo abierto #NewsFlash y al ir abriendo enlaces, para leer luego en las diferentes pestañas del navegador, pierde el foco la aplicación. Tengo que abrir, volver a NewsFlash y así. Eso en Wayland no pasa.
#mutter #wayland #x11 #newsflash
第771回 今、改めてUbuntu向けRSSリーダーを考えた結果のNewsFlash
#gihyo #技術評論社 #gihyo_jp #ネットワーク技術 #Ubuntu #RSS #NewsFlash
#gihyo #技術評論社 #gihyo_jp #ネットワーク技術 #ubuntu #rss #newsflash
Is #NewsFlash the only #RSS / #Atom feed reader / aggregator with a builtin web scraper?
I am back! quick update and comission messages open on #kofi
Now is the time to tell me that you did #miss me the last 8 days and that you are glad I am back and ready to #interact with you!
#commisions #writerslife #interact #miss #kofi #newsflash
Había instalado la extensión "Get RSS Feed URL" y resulta que el propio #NewsFlash también te lo busca. Pues a mamar la extensión, jeje.
#NewsFlash: The World is doomed and we're all fucked. This is a result of very many Policy Choices made over decades and there’s very little you, as a member of the 99%, can do about it.
Want to stick your head in the sand? Fine, please: Mute, Filter, Unfollow, Block.
But, I won’t CW what’s coming for us, All.
#newsflash #obliquesubtoot #theclimatecrisisisapolicychoice #wearefucked
Je me demandais ce que devenait le développement de #FeedReader, dont je ne voyais plus de mise à jour dans Debian depuis belle lurette.
Et bien il semble que le projet ait été repris sous le nom de #NewsFlash (et que le logiciel ne soit pas encore dans les dépôts de Debian 😢).
#budlight marketing team #newsflash your product obviously isn’t distinguishable by merit so if you’re doing it by marketing alone, then tell me exactly what I’m voting for when I purchase a Bud Light- the reason you’re screwed is nobody knows
NewsFlash ist in der Version 2.3.0 erschienen
Vom RSS-Reader NewsFlash wurde die Version 2.3.0 mit einigen Verbesserungen veröffentlicht.
#RSS #NewsFlash #FeedReader #GNOME_Anwendungen #Linux
#rss #newsflash #feedreader #gnome_anwendungen #linux
Once, when I lived in the middle of nowhere up in #Montana a man came to my back door. He scared the crap out of me when he banged on my door in the dark. He was lost, his horse had hurt itself, & when he saw the light of my cabin in the dark, he stopped for help. We gave him a ride to his rig, and even let house our phone because there was shitty service up there, but you know what we didn't do? We Did Not Shoot Him! That's how country folks are supposed to behave! #ffs #NewsFlash #Mastodon
#montana #FFs #newsflash #mastodon
Since many of you are looking for alternatives to #Feedly I'd like to share that I really fell in love with #NewsFlash, a desktop app that makes a great combo with #Nextcloud News, but also supports other popular newsfeed aggregators: #inoreader, #feedbin...
Give it a try: https://gitlab.com/news-flash/news_flash_gtk
#feedly #newsflash #Nextcloud #inoreader #feedbin
Got into grad school (again) today. Will get wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow. No fast food job until Tuesday.
#statusupdate #newsflash #anxiousthoughts
@IngridHbn @VastBee yes and they are both Thai islands. If you look at the map you will find that Cambodia is a neighbouring country and thus a Thai island can actually be close to Cambodia. #newsflash #stupidityrules
#Ghana #ghananews #ghanaian #EPA #Pollution #AirPollution #NEWS #Healthcare #Trash #BurningTrash #NEWS #Newsflash #NewsUpdate #Environment #Harmful #HarmingTheEnvironment #Humans #Humanity #Boiler #NewsMinute
#Ghana #ghananews #ghanaian #epa #pollution #airpollution #news #healthcare #trash #burningtrash #newsflash #newsupdate #environment #harmful #harmingtheenvironment #humans #Humanity #boiler #newsminute
Insomnia sucks.
It sucks even when you are not on a dead bird site.
Insomnia still sucks when you are dealing with a supposed-to-be-extinct-but-cyber-resurrected pachyderm.
Especially when you have to work the next day.
It just sucks.