My aunt’s text about sending us a tree has turned I to a whole saga. Apparently she bought us MATCHING trees and hers is already planted. The latest update is that it’s starting to grow today 😂 Our tree still has not arrived. She is disappointed but I’m so amused.
#gardening #WeirdFamily #Family #trees #SpecialDelivery #WeHaveAunts #YouMightBeCountryIf #YouKnowYoureCountryWhen #AdviceFromElders #Georgia #NorthGeorgia #Arkansas #Learning #NewSkills
#gardening #weirdfamily #family #trees #specialdelivery #wehaveaunts #youmightbecountryif #youknowyourecountrywhen #advicefromelders #georgia #northgeorgia #arkansas #learning #newskills
Mastering the ArtOfBaking matrix-style in a virtual kitchen. Wish me luck, folks! 🍪🥧🍰 #NewSkills #FoodieDreams #MatrixBaker #BitBook
#newskills #foodiedreams #matrixbaker #bitbook
Was habt ihr heute Neues dazugelernt oder an Fähigkeiten erworben? Ich kann jetzt Pilzhäuser zeichnen 😊
#newSkills #neugelernt #zumLernenIstManNieZuAlt #Zeichnen #Zeichnung #Pilze
#newskills #neugelernt #zumlernenistmanniezualt #zeichnen #zeichnung #pilze
@EU_Commission otvorila prihlasovanie na 5-mesačnú platenú stáž v Bruseli, Luxemburgu alebo v inom európskom meste, napríklad aj na @ZEKvSR v Bratislave 🤓Prihlasovanie je otvorené do 31. januára (12:00). Viac ℹ️ 👉
#BlueBook #EUTraineeship #newskills
#BlueBook #EUtraineeship #newskills
As the year comes to a close.... I have started to think on what I want to see happen in my life in the upcoming year. And I keep coming back to a "skills jar." I am going to get a jar, write down the skills I want to either learn or expand on, and then at the beginning of the year I will draw a skill to learn/improve on for the year.
#newyear #resolution #newskills
Explore new paradigms in skills development: Save the date! A new "Training4Trainers" episode is coming next week.
#SurgeryResidents #surgicaleducation #residency #surgery #surgicaltraining #newskills
@SurgEdFellows @AmCollSurgeons
In collab. wt. @JNJInstitute
In alliance wt. @Surg_Education
#surgeryresidents #surgicaleducation #residency #surgery #surgicaltraining #newskills
Explore new paradigms in skills development: Save the date! A new "Training4Trainers" episode is coming next week.
#SurgeryResidents #surgicaleducation #residency #surgery #surgicaltraining #newskills
#surgeryresidents #surgicaleducation #residency #surgery #surgicaltraining #newskills
Took a map-and-compass backcountry navigation class today. So much fun to learn a new, valuable skill that doesn’t require batteries or a computer, but instead relies on the right tools and knowledge of how to use them!
#hiking #outdoors #newskills #wellness
You know, on my laptop you can put some kind of lock on using function + escape and I have absolutely no idea what it does and ...
Oh, I tried it. It locks the function key button so it's permanently on.
Learning a new skill can be exciting and eager to some, at the same time, daunting and crippling to others. It’s a matter of mindset and self management.
We’ve put together a few practical hacks to help you keep your mind strong and focused through learning any new skill.
See the full list at (3 minute read)
#lifehacks #newskills #mindset #innerstrength #confidence
#mentalstrength #orlandoowen #feeldifferent
#FEELDIFFERENT #orlandoowen #mentalstrength #confidence #innerstrength #Mindset #newskills #lifehacks
I'm becoming really good at adding stuff to Todoist and not actually doing any of it #newskills