Protecting Phones From Pegasus-Like Spyware Attacks - Podcast: Can a new SIM card and prepaid service from an MVNO help? Former spyware insider... #newsmakerinterviews #mobilesecurity #government #podcasts #malware #hacks
#hacks #malware #podcasts #government #mobilesecurity #newsmakerinterviews
Telegram Fraudsters Ramp Up Forged COVID-19 Vaccine Card Sales - A new type of fraud is spiking across the platform: Selling fake vax records to people wh... #newsmakerinterviews #mobilesecurity #websecurity #privacy
#privacy #websecurity #mobilesecurity #newsmakerinterviews
Spotlight on the Cybercriminal Supply Chains - In this Threatpost podcast Fortinet’s top researcher outlines what a cybercriminal supply... #newsmakerinterviews #podcasts #hacks
#hacks #podcasts #newsmakerinterviews
Breaking Down Joe Biden’s $10B Cybersecurity ‘Down Payment’ - Tom Kellermann, head of cybersecurity strategy for VMware Carbon Black, talks about the top securi... #newsmakerinterviews #government #podcasts #hacks
#hacks #podcasts #government #newsmakerinterviews
From Triton to Stuxnet: Preparing for OT Incident Response - Lesley Carhart, with Dragos, gives Threatpost a behind-the-scenes look at how industrial companies... #industrialcontrolsystem #criticalinfrastructure #manufacturingsecurity #operationaltechnology #newsmakerinterviews #industrialmalware #incidentresponse #crashoverride #lesleycarhart #websecurity #coronavirus #industroyer #industrial #factories #podcasts #podcast
#podcast #podcasts #factories #industrial #industroyer #coronavirus #websecurity #lesleycarhart #crashoverride #incidentresponse #industrialmalware #newsmakerinterviews #operationaltechnology #manufacturingsecurity #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystem
How the Pandemic is Reshaping the Bug-Bounty Landscape - Bugcrowd Founder Casey Ellis talks about COVID-19's impact on bug bounty hunters, bug bounty progr... #vulnerabilitydisclosureprogram #newsmakerinterviews #bugbountyprogram #ethicalhacking #videointerview #caseyellis #pentesting #bugbounty #bugcrowd #covid-19 #pandemic #videos #uptick #vdp
#VDP #uptick #videos #pandemic #covid #bugcrowd #bugbounty #pentesting #caseyellis #videointerview #ethicalhacking #bugbountyprogram #newsmakerinterviews #vulnerabilitydisclosureprogram
A Cyber ‘Vigilante’ is Sabotaging Emotet’s Return - During Black Hat USA 2020, Threatpost talks to Sherrod DeGrippo, with Proofpoint, about Emotet's r... #newsmakerinterviews #lookbackmalware #blackhat2020 #blackhatusa #phishing #malware #videos #emotet #video
#video #emotet #videos #malware #phishing #blackhatusa #blackhat2020 #lookbackmalware #newsmakerinterviews
Black Hat USA 2020: Critical Flaws Reveal Common AppSec Holes - With Black Hat USA 2020 kicking off this week, Erez Yalon with Checkmarx talks about newly disclos... #newsmakerinterviews #applicationsecurity #crosssitescripting #blackhatusa2020 #vulnerability #criticalflaw #websecurity #blackhat #webflaw #videos #appsec #meetup #patch #csrf #xss
#xss #csrf #patch #meetup #appsec #videos #webflaw #blackhat #websecurity #criticalflaw #vulnerability #blackhatusa2020 #crosssitescripting #applicationsecurity #newsmakerinterviews
Encryption Under ‘Full Frontal Nuclear Assault’ By U.S. Bills - The U.S. government and tech companies continue to butt heads over the idea of encryption and what... more: #lawfulaccesstoencrypteddataact #newsmakerinterviews #government #encryption #backdoor #videos #earnit #apple #fbi
#fbi #apple #earnit #videos #backdoor #encryption #government #newsmakerinterviews #lawfulaccesstoencrypteddataact
Going Down the Spyware Rabbit Hole with SilkBean Mobile Malware - An Android spyware attack was recently discovered that targeted the Uyghur ethnic minority group -... more: #newsmakerinterviews #surveillanceware #mobilesecurity #carbonsteal #goldeneagle #podcasts #silkbean #android #spyware #uyghur #c2
#c2 #uyghur #spyware #android #silkbean #podcasts #goldeneagle #carbonsteal #mobilesecurity #surveillanceware #newsmakerinterviews
Chris Vickery: AI Will Drive Tomorrow’s Data Breaches - Chris Vickery talks about his craziest data breach discoveries and why "vishing" is the next top t... more: #newsmakerinterviews #misconfiguration #exposeds3bucket #threatpostvideo #databreach #breach #videos #hacks #video #hack
#hack #video #hacks #videos #breach #databreach #threatpostvideo #exposeds3bucket #misconfiguration #newsmakerinterviews
AWS Facial Recognition Platform Misidentified Over 100 Politicians As Criminals - Comparitech’s Paul Bischoff found that Amazon’s facial recognition platform misidentified an alarm... more: #newsmakerinterviews #facialrecognition #lawenforcement #dataprivacy #microsoft #podcasts #databias #privacy #amazon #ibm #ai
#ai #ibm #amazon #privacy #databias #podcasts #microsoft #dataprivacy #lawenforcement #facialrecognition #newsmakerinterviews
Verizon DBIR: Web App Attacks and Security Errors Surge - Threatpost talks to Verizon DBIR co-author Gabriel Bassett about the top takeaways from this year'... more: #denialofservice(dos) #newsmakerinterviews #verizondbir #databreach #ransomware #podcasts #malware #verizon #attack #breach #hack
#hack #breach #attack #verizon #malware #podcasts #ransomware #databreach #verizondbir #newsmakerinterviews #denialofservice
Katie Moussouris: The Bug Bounty Conflict of Interest - Katie Moussouris sounds off on the challenges behind creating successful bug bounty programs. more: #newsmakerinterviews #cultofthedeadcow #hackthepentagon #katiemoussouris #bugbountyaward #pentesting #bugbounty #hackerone #podcasts
#podcasts #hackerone #bugbounty #pentesting #bugbountyaward #katiemoussouris #hackthepentagon #cultofthedeadcow #newsmakerinterviews