Local NewsMatch funders outpaced national donors for the first time in 2022 #2023_04_05 #nieman_lab #sarah_scire #featured_art #regular_post #courtney_lewis #inn #institute_for_nonprofit_news #newsmatch
#2023_04_05 #nieman_lab #sarah_scire #featured_art #regular_post #courtney_lewis #inn #institute_for_nonprofit_news #newsmatch
Today is the last day of #NewsMatch for The Clayton Crescent. We’ve had a strong uptick in local supporters, as well as a couple of donor advised fund gifts. Join us today, Dec. 31, and your tax-deductible gift will be matched in metro Atlanta’s most underserved #newsdesert. We need all hands on deck today. Thank you. https://donorbox.com/clayton-crescent
Surely not all of my 12.5K-then-11.5K followers were bots! Help my wonderful supporters from across the US and overseas find me by putting in a good word! The #ClaytonCrescent is still kicking butt and holding elected officials accountable. #NewsMatch will power-charge your monthly gift through 12/31: https://donorbox.org/clayton-crescent —then hit the Monthly tab. Thank you from the tiny news site with the big brass…influence. #newsie #news #journo #journalism #nonprofit
#claytoncrescent #newsmatch #newsie #news #journo #journalism #nonprofit
Surely not all of my 12.5K-then-11.5K followers were bots! Help my wonderful supporters from across the US and overseas find me by putting in a good word! The #ClaytonCrescent is still kicking butt and holding elected officials accountable. #NewsMatch will power-charge your monthly gift through 12/31: donorbox.org/clayton-crescent, then hit the Monthly tab. Thank you from the tiny news site with the big brass influence.
Independent journalism has the power to strengthen communities, speak truth to power and uphold our democracy.
Support #NonprofitNews on #GivingTusday and boost the impact of your donation through #NewsMatch: https://newsmatch.inn.org/
#nonprofitnews #givingtusday #newsmatch
It would also be nice to have #newsmatch on here, probably best as a well-used hashtag.
I see the campaign has some Google ads out there; that’s good for reach outside the bird app.
But broader new social reach in these interesting times would be good.