To mitigate the problem of collapsing school buildings, maybe headteachers could use their meagre capital funds to erect giant tents for teaching in school playing fields.
The playing fields have been sold off, you say?
#crumblyconcrete #einsturzendeneubauten #newsnight
Forget Riski Sunak.
Forget Wishi Washi Sunak.
From now on we should referred to our weak and mendacious Prime Minister as Chicken Little.
It's perfect. He's Little. And, though he was wrong to think the Sky is Falling, it was the RAAC And Ruin in our skools he failed to do anything about.
#RAACandRuin #RAAC
#ConcreteGate #ConcreteSchools
#C4News #LBC #Newsnight
#generalelectionnow #newsnight #LBC #c4news #concreteschools #concretegate #raac #raacandruin
Anyone else feel it fair to say that with the Tories and then the Nastiz in power for THIRTEEN YEARS this country, the Untied Kingdom, is going to RAAC And Ruin...
We shouldn't have to wait 12-18 months to remedy this - #GeneralElectionNow!
#RAAC #RAACandRuin #ConcreteGate #ConcreteSchools
#C4News #LBC #Newsnight
#newsnight #LBC #c4news #concreteschools #concretegate #raacandruin #raac #generalelectionnow
The day before the ridiculously authoritarian UK #OnlineSafetyBill passes, UK's #Newsnight decide to cover it. 🤦‍♂️
#onlinesafetybill #newsnight #privacy #infosec #surveillance #csam #bbc
Credit to BBC #Newsnight's Ben Chu for unpicking the detail of capital spending on schools in the context of the #CrumblyConcrete shitstorm. In short, no one deserves thanks for doing a #FuckingGoodJob when arses, Gillian Keegan's included, are only now being lifted slowly off comfy chairs following the summer recess.
#newsnight #crumblyconcrete #fuckinggoodjob
#Newsnight Good question. Is causality really established for #UltraProcessedFood? The answer is, not really. It's an interesting hypothesis. #UPF
#UPF #ultraprocessedfood #newsnight
It's interesting to hear #Ukraine's deputy defence minister on #Newsnight talking about the war as an existential crisis for #Russia. That is the way it's looking now: the mafia state in Moscow is growing ever weaker.
I'm led to understand that we can expect on Sunday to view a Telly Event in which we witness a pride of lionesses working hard to bring down their prey, while the males of the species sun themselves as they recline on rocky outcrops or take refreshment at watering-holes surrounding the dry grassy plain on which the contest will take place.
I imagine there is no equivalent in the natural world to a Women's World Cup Final...
Apparently the UK Government have designated this as “NHS week” in their news grid. And yet no UK Government minister could spare the time to come on #newsnight to discuss their lead story on cancer waiting times in England…
Whither accountability?
Rishi Sunak has condemned Nadine Dorries for failing to represent her constituents in Mid-Beds. But why hasn't Riski Sunak taken any action against Mad Nads?
Perhaps Wishi Washi's waiting for an #ULEZ to be imposed on Ampthill or Flitwick before he allows a by-election to be called?
#newsnight #LBC #c4news #generalelectionnow #ULEZ
Watching #BBC #newsnight and cannot believe my ears that a future #labour government would not revoke the appalling #oil and #gas drilling licenses that #sunak has announced today. Shocking to find labour being prepared to be complicit in the unfolding #climatecatastrophe. Labour's green credentials are going up in smoke along with much of the World right now.
#bbc #newsnight #labour #oil #gas #Sunak #climatecatastrophe
Newsnight's Kate Lamble deconstructs Rishi Sunak's dash for gas and oil. Then we have a Tory MSP and a Labour MP rehashing the very same arguments fact-checked to oblivion by Lamble and others.
I despair, I really do!
#RishiSunak #northsea #oil #gas #carboncapture #newsnight
As outlined on #C4News (excellent coverage of the #Tories spin, #ITNnews. Bravo Zulu! #BZ!) 80% of UK's North Sea Oil is exported.
That makes a nonsense of Liar Sunak's claim that British Oil (Scottish Oil? Shetlands' Oil?) will be better for the climate as carbon emitted by importing oil to the UK will be reduced four or five times.
For 4/5ths of UK oil, emissions will rise by a similar amount as it is exported to China, Japan and ROW.
#C4News #LBC #Newsnight
#newsnight #LBC #bz #itnnews #tories #c4news
Tory #Cakeism did not die with the political demise of Boris Johnson.
Sasha's 'have cake eat cake' legacy lives on courtesy of Riski Sunak, our Second-Past-The-Post Prime Minister.
How else explain how Tories proudly claim new #Oil from #Rosebank will BOTH lower domestic prices by home consumption AND ease UK's Balance of Payments deficit by export sales!
#C4News #LBC #Newsnight
#Nastiz #GeneralElectionNOW!
#generalelectionnow #nastiz #climateemergency #newsnight #LBC #c4news #rosebank #oil #cakeism
I choked on my tea when I heard Nigel Farage attacking the CEO and Board of Nat West for being economical with the truth. Shameless hypocrisy from the arch-Bregziteer.
But populists will be pleased that banks are told they must not discriminate against them for their political views. Farridge, obviously; David Davis, indubitably; Vladimir Putin, possibly? Nah, like other dictators, Vlad knows his ill-gotten wealth has always been welcomed by British banks...
Excellent investigation by #Newsnight of the "Good Governance Institute" -and its dodgy qualifications.
It's remarkable how much media space #NigelFarage, is able to command (three pieces on the home page of the Guardian yesterday alone) whether it's his great idea to make Britain poorer, more divided & isolated, or over a spat with his bank manager that might force him to use a high street bank like the rest of us. He's doing what we do when we @ a brand, but on #Newsnight.
What's even more puzzling is the media seems to use none of this access to ask where the #Brexit benefits he promised are.
#nigelfarage #newsnight #brexit
Red meat is bad for the environment. But please stop spreading the myth that it's bad for your health:
Bringing #RodLiddle onto #Newsnight to discuss the #HuwEdwards scandal was never going to shine the light of reason onto what is a difficult matter of mental health, morality and journalistic ethics. And lo and behold it didn't, as evidenced tonight.
#rodliddle #newsnight #huwedwards