Hey i have an announcement!
I'm starting to love my feed.
It needs work to build, but toootaaaally worth it!!
È da circa un ora che sono su #mastodon ed ancora leggo ingiurie, analisi para-politiche, commenti sudici ed idiozie.
Promette bene.
#mastodon #relax #newsocial #fediverse
#mastodon #relax #newsocial #fediverse
È da circa un ora che sono su #mastodon e non ancora leggo ingiurie, analisi para-politiche, commenti sudici ed idiozie.
Promette bene.
#mastodon #relax #newsocial #fediverse
#mastodon #relax #newsocial #fediverse
I remember in 2010 when Facebook was blocked in Pakistan, many of us switched to Twitter and never went back. Now as we are witnessing the doom of Twitter maybe it's time to try a new platform. #newsocial #NewInMastodon #NewExperiment
#newsocial #newinmastodon #NewExperiment
Recién empezando, espero que me sigan, y me enseñen también, estoy aprendiendo de a poco. :ablobcatneon:
I’ve figured out about 2% of how this place works, but that 2% allows me to post my daft brain-farts, so I’m happy enough for now. I guess I’ll pick up the rest as I go.
#mastodon #newsocial #flyingblind
#mastodon #newsocial #flyingblind