When exactly did "new" become an equivalent of "smaller", "fewer", "less"? 🤔 #Newspeak
Just had an e-Mail from a company with this line:
"we should sync up for a quick chat"
We should what-now?
I'd rate #Obama as our cleverest, funniest POTUS ever. In contrast, among the criticisms people have had against #TFG is that he is devoid of wit or humor. Calling #Donald a jester or a comic borders on #Newspeak. Might as well call him an athlete or vocalist.
"We make no apology for" is the latest #Newspeak for pushing through an unacceptable, #morally #corrupt #political decision or behaviour. Mostly heard in #KeirStarmer's mouth, when reneging on promises on #tuitionfees, #childbenefits, but now equally used by the #Tories #UKgovernment. Here to justify more #drilling: “We make no apology for taking the right approach to ensure our #energy security". For "taking the RIGHT approach" if that's not textbook bollocks Newspeak 😂 https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/aug/03/greenpeace-protesters-drape-giant-oil-black-fabric-over-sunaks-mansion
#newspeak #morally #corrupt #political #keirstarmer #tuitionfees #childbenefits #tories #ukgovernment #drilling #energy
We found a new thing for the internets, folks.
Adding context is now classified as so-called "#whatAboutism".
#whataboutism #englishlanguage #perversion #newspeak
@Free_Press A form of #newspeak ? Also not unlike #fascist Germany in the #secondworldwar. We all know where that ended, death in a gaschamber.
#russiafasciststate #secondworldwar #fascist #newspeak
Ich würde mir wünschen, wenn der euphemistische Begriff Nachrichtendienst in der Versenkung verschwände, da mit dessen Verwendung die eigentliche Aufgabe dieser Institutionen verdreht wird – es sind schlicht und einfach immer noch Geheimdienste!
Siehe auch: https://neusprech.org/nachrichtendienst/
@immersfer Tämä on taas tätä #NewSpeak ia, jonka #persut erityisesti ovat sisäistäneet. Oikeasti työttömyysturvan leikkauksilla pyritään nimenomaan rajoittamaan työttömien mahdollisuuksia vaikuttaa omaan elämäänsä, sehän se on niiden koko pointti.
This one is really recommended, after reading it you will realize that the surveillance is actually just a small part of what we have implemented for ourselves from this book.
Much more chilling I find is what we have done with #NewSpeak
If you are not WOKE you are IGNORANT
If you are not ANITFA you are FASCIST
If you are not AGAINST RACISM you are RACIST
Don't let them demonize the good side. The good side is good for a reason. Demonizing good morales is called #newspeak and #1984 warned us about it. It's okay to be #Antifa because that means you are against fascism
@MissingThePt #SpaceKaren prefers #RapidUnscheduledDissasembly over explosion #ControlledVocabulary #NewSpeak
#SpaceKaren #rapidunscheduleddissasembly #controlledvocabulary #newspeak
De neoliberale downplayers van #COVID hebben zojuist weer een nieuw woordje bedacht om #LongCovid mee te kunnen negeren:
Media doen alsof het een wetenschappelijke term is, maar het is bedacht door een stel marketeers.
Mintel noemt hyperfatigue een "global consumer trend", en wijt die volledig aan stress. Ze zien opportunities voor "AI emotional healers" & wellness
Niemand die de miljoenen Long Covid slachtoffers noemt, of hoe we ons er tegen kunnen beschermen 😷
#newspeak #hyperfatigue #LongCovid #COVID
1. Das Projekt war dennoch ein Erfolg.
2. Das Projekt lieferte wertvolle Erkenntnisse.
3. Davor hatten wir viele Erfolge zu verzeichnen.
Woran man erkennt, dass das Projekt krachend gescheitert ist. #newspeak
Nowadays one would expect human-rating (the reliability and life-preserving failure modes for a crew-rated launch vehicle) to be designed into a launch vehicle from the start not tacked on later.
#RapidUnscheduledDisassembly aka #LaunchFailure
#MarketingBollocks #NewSpeak
#newspeak #marketingbollocks #launchfailure #rapidunscheduleddisassembly #starship