@washingtonpost has an article about #weed etiquette for travelers trying weed. 7 tips total. 2 tips are learn & obey the law. 4 tips are good basic safety tips. The #etiquette tip was, respect the privacy of strangers
Also, in the intro, the writer mentions how the weed culture is governed by things we don't know - then quotes the idea that *everyone* knows the etiquette of puff, puff, pass
Do they? That'd be cool. I mean, not just heard the words, but get the idea
#weed #etiquette #marijuana #newssite #toke
Remember when headlines were actually article summaries and not clickbait? The Boring Report aims to bring that back. Haven’t checked the app out yet, but the site headlines seem to deliver. Not a ‘slammed’, ‘ultimate’, or ‘you won’t believe’ headline to be found. Reads like a newspaper from the 80’s.
@DaemonFC Personally, I refuse to use sites with #Paywalls out of priciple.
If #creators on #Twitter, #YouTube, #Twitch & Co. can use modern #Monetarization [aka. #Patreon, #Flattr, #Kachingle, ...] then those big media should not be allowed to be sloppy...
https://12ft.io is the best #AntiPaywall ever...
Also I've yet to see any #Quality #NewsSite that forces shit upon me and nags me for denying #Cookies, #JavaScript & #Notifications...
#notifications #JavaScript #Cookies #newssite #quality #antipaywall #kachingle #flattr #Patreon #Monetarization #Twitch #YouTube #Twitter #creators #paywalls
@markyadavies there are sites competing to be the next #newssite--will #mastodon be it? I'm taking a chance on it.
Apecoin DAO Approves Funding a Bored Ape-Centric News Publication
#24-hourstylenewssite #BoredApeYachtClub #Non-fungibleToken #BoredApeGazette #cryptoassets #newswebsite #ApecoinDAO #Governance #Similarweb #BoredApe #newssite #proposal #YugaLabs #Apecoin #Meebits #NFTnews #traffic #AIP-70 #Taiwan #News #BAYC #news #AIP #US
#BoredApeYachtClub #non #BoredApeGazette #cryptoassets #newswebsite #ApeCoinDAO #governance #similarweb #boredape #newssite #proposal #YugaLabs #ApeCoin #Meebits #NFTNews #traffic #AIP #taiwan #news #BAYC #us
Facebook, News and XSS Underpin Complex Browser Locker Attack - A sophisticated “browser locker” campaign is spreading via Facebook, ultimately pushing a tech-sup... https://threatpost.com/facebook-xss-browser-locker/160465/ #crosssitescripting #vulnerabilities #techsupportscam #browserlocker #malwarebytes #openredirect #redirections #websecurity #securitybug #facebook #grupoppe #newssite #peru #xss
#xss #peru #newssite #grupoppe #facebook #securitybug #websecurity #redirections #openredirect #malwarebytes #browserlocker #techsupportscam #vulnerabilities #crosssitescripting