The Interview #MichaelBrodkorb did with #ScottJensen on The Breakdown podcast was a spot-on analysis of what is causing the GOP to stumble.
Jensen's candid and admonishing recap hits all the problem spots for the Republican Party of Minnesota. And it's #newsworthy.
#michaelbrodkorb #scottjensen #newsworthy
Sunday Discussion: Alabama Has The Worst Poverty In The Developed World
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be featured and
#DiscussionTalkStuff #AlabamaHasTheWorstPovertyInTheDevelopedWorld #Discussion #Newsworthy #NickJohnson #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #alabamahastheworstpovertyinthedevelopedworld #discussion #newsworthy #nickjohnson #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
Sunday Discussion: Inside America’s Plastic Bag Recycling Problem
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be fea
#DiscussionTalkStuff #ABCNews #Discussion #InsideAmericasPlasticBagRecyclingProblem #Newsworthy #PlasticBagRecyclingProblem #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #abcnews #discussion #insideamericasplasticbagrecyclingproblem #newsworthy #plasticbagrecyclingproblem #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
Sunday Discussion: We Exposed The True Cost Of Republicans’ Top Priority
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a
#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #Medicaid #MedicaidWorkRequirements #MorePerfectUnion #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #WeExposedTheTrueCostOfRepublicansTopPriority #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #medicaid #medicaidworkrequirements #moreperfectunion #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #weexposedthetruecostofrepublicanstoppriority #youtube
Sunday Discussion: How Florida’s “War On Woke” Could Provide A Glimpse Into America’s Future
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#DiscussionTalkStuff #ABCAustralia #ABCNewsIn-Depth #Discussion #HowFlorida's"WarOnWoke"CouldProvideAGlimpseIntoAmerica'sFuture #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #abcaustralia #abcnewsin #discussion #howflorida #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
Sunday Discussion: Fox News Was Screwed
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be featured and talked about. You can “discuss” it on your own social media network
#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #FoxNewsDominionLawsuit #FoxNewsWasScrewed #LegalEagle #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #foxnewsdominionlawsuit #foxnewswasscrewed #legaleagle #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
Sunday Discussion: Cancel Culture – Bud Light, MrBeast, Jeffree Star
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be featured and talked about. You ca
#DiscussionTalkStuff #BudLight #Discussion #JeffreeStar #LarryLawton #Mr.Beast #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #budlight #discussion #jeffreestar #larrylawton #mr #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
Sunday Discussion: Sharing Space – Episode 1: Daniel Radcliffe
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be featured and talked about. You
#DiscussionTalkStuff #DanielRadcliffe #Discussion #LGBTQKids #Newsworthy #SharingSpace #SundayDiscussion #TheTrevorProject #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #danielradcliffe #discussion #lgbtqkids #newsworthy #sharingspace #sundaydiscussion #thetrevorproject #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
Sunday Discussion: It’s Hard To Overstate MTG’s Threat To America
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that need
#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #It'sHardToOverstateMTG'sThreatToAmerica #MarjorieTaylorGreene #MSNBC #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #TheMehdiHasanShow #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #it #marjorietaylorgreene #msnbc #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #themehdihasanshow #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
For me Some celebrity Being crashed into on some ski slope is not Newsworthy for NPR. I would think there are lot More important stories To be told. #NewsWorthy
Sunday Discussion: Why Rail Disasters Are Piling Up
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#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #MorePerfectUnion #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #TrainDerailment #WhyRailDisastersArePilingUp #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #moreperfectunion #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #trainderailment #whyraildisastersarepilingup #youtube
Sunday Discussion: Two Strikes And You’re In Prison Forever
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be featured and
#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #InsideStory #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #TheMarshallProject #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #TwoStrikesAndYou’reInPrisonForever #ViceNews #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #insidestory #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #themarshallproject #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #twostrikesandyou #vicenews #youtube
Sunday Discussion: ‘I Don’t Feel Safe’: Ohio’s Derailed Train Left A Cloud Of Distrust
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#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #EastPalestineOhio #Newsworthy #NorfolkSouthern #Ohio’sDerailedTrainLeftACloudOfDistrust #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #ViceNews #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #eastpalestineohio #newsworthy #norfolksouthern #ohio #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #vicenews #youtube
Sunday Discussion: Interview With Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm | The Problem With Jon Stewart
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#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #InterviewWithOklahomaStateSen.NathanDahm #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #TheProblemWithJonStewart #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #interviewwithoklahomastatesen #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #theproblemwithjonstewart #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
Sunday Discussion: How Tesla Fumbled
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be featured and talked about. You can “discuss” it on your own social media networks as comments ar
#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #HowTeslaFumbled #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #Tesla #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #WendoverProductions #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #howteslafumbled #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #tesla #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #wendoverproductions #youtube
Sunday Discussion: The Supreme Court Could Destroy The Internet This Week
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to
#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #internet #LegalEagle #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #TheSupremeCourtCouldDestroyTheInternetThisWeek #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #Internet #legaleagle #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #thesupremecourtcoulddestroytheinternetthisweek #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
Sunday Discussion: Fox’s War On The Woke Mind Virus
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be featured and talked about. You can “discuss” it on your own soc
#DiscussionTalkStuff #Discussion #FoxNews #Fox'sWarOnTheWokeMindVirus #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #ViceNews #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #discussion #foxnews #fox #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #vicenews #youtube
Sunday Discussion: My Soulmate Died – Science Helps Me Go On
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic that needs to be featured and talked about. You
#DiscussionTalkStuff #BigThink #Discussion #MichelleThaller #MySoulmateDied #Newsworthy #ScienceHelpsMeGoOn #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #bigthink #discussion #michellethaller #mysoulmatedied #newsworthy #sciencehelpsmegoon #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube
Sunday Discussion: Lied Suddenly! Fact Checking The Died Suddenly Shockumentary
Welcome to the Sunday Discussion segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Sunday Discussion will feature a serious topic
#DiscussionTalkStuff #BackToTheScience #Discussion #FactCheckingTheDiedSuddenlyShockumentary #LiedSuddenly #Newsworthy #SundayDiscussion #ThoughtfulDiscussion #Thoughts #YouTube
#discussiontalkstuff #backtothescience #discussion #factcheckingthediedsuddenlyshockumentary #liedsuddenly #newsworthy #sundaydiscussion #thoughtfuldiscussion #thoughts #youtube Could be #NewsWorthy