DebonaireToast 🎵 · @debonairetoast
488 followers · 1350 posts · Server


is in 3 hours!! (Noon, Sundays, CST)

Topic: picking up a or of or - staying motivated, self-directed learning, online resources, etc.

We're covering it together if you're interested. All ages, genres, skill levels, and types of musicians included.

Anyone a with advice or opinions?

Who's in?

#musodon #musicians #musiciansofmastodon #diymusicchat #newinstrument #newtechniques #makingmusic #musicproduction #playingmusic #experimentalmusician #selftaughtmusician #MultiInstrumentalist

Last updated 2 years ago

DebonaireToast 🎵 · @debonairetoast
471 followers · 1266 posts · Server


Next is set for Sunday 1pm CST (19:00 UK)

Topic: picking up a or of or - staying motivated, self-directed learning, online resources, etc.

We're covering it together if you're interested. All ages, genres, skill levels, and types of musicians included.

I'd like to hear from for focused advice?

#musodon #musicians #musiciansofmastodon #diymusicchat #newinstrument #newtechniques #makingmusic #musicproduction #playingmusic #experimentalmusician #selftaughtmusician #MultiInstrumentalist

Last updated 2 years ago

DebonaireToast 🎵 · @debonairetoast
456 followers · 1152 posts · Server

Hey are you up for a soon?

Let's pick a time and day, next topic is..

Picking up a or of or - staying motivated, self-directed learning, online resources, etc.

We're covering it together if you're interested. All ages, genres, skill levels, and types of musicians included.

I'd like to hear from a or for focused advice?

#musodon #musicians #musiciansofmastodon #diymusicchat #newinstrument #newtechniques #makingmusic #musicproduction #playingmusic #experimentalmusician #MultiInstrumentalist

Last updated 2 years ago

Testing new chord positions and arpeggios on the diminished chord while improvising on the classic jazz standard "Take the A Train". .

#jazzguitar #jazzstandards #improv #guitar #jazz #music #jazzmusician #jazzguitarist #chords #arpeggios #newtechniques

Last updated 2 years ago