"The action, denoted S, is defined to be the sum of the difference between a particle’s kinetic energy [8] and its
potential energy [12] at every point along its path. S is just a number that is associated with the trajectory (path).
The Principle of Least Action states that the path for which the sum of these differences (that is, S) is minimum is
the actual path the particle will take. To show that this is the case all of the proofs that I have seen rely on the fact
that the Principle of Least Action and Newton’s Second Law (F = ma) are equivalent. These notes show this result
A few of my notes on the POLA are here: https://davidmeyer.github.io/qc/pola.pdf. As always, questions/comments/corrections/* greatly appreciated.
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#lagrangianmechanics #newtonianmechanics #principleofleastaction
"Who Pioneers the Concept of 4-Dimensional Spacetime" by Areeba Merriam 🔗 https://www.cantorsparadise.com/who-pioneers-the-concept-of-4-dimensional-spacetime-ae705369c1b0
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Episode: The Newtonian Revolution
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