@jamesrylandmiller this dysfunction sounds familiar to us in #NewtonMA & #GreaterBoston where gas utility leaks to sometimes explosive levels inside electric utility subsurface infrastructure, but the utilities play ignorant. https://figcitynews.com/2023/05/grade-1-hazardous-gas-leak-discovered-between-city-hall-and-eversource-substation-emergency-repair-in-progress/
The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently spent a workshop highlighting under-appreciated gas & electric system interconnectivity. Gas routinely leaks into electric infra, yet is never discussed. In #NewtonMA, #NationalGrid gas leaks into #FERC-regulated #Eversource utility holes to explosive levels. Our city & state officials know but stay silent.
#Eversource #ferc #nationalgrid #newtonma
Boston peeps: There will be a #COVID-safe (masked, vaccination required, no COVID symptoms) screening of "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" at West Newton Cinema at 10am on Sunday, July 2. You need to reserve and pay in advance. DM me your email if you want to attend and I'll send you details.
@universalhub #CovidCautious #Boston #BostonMA #movies #SpiderMan #Newton #NewtonMA
#COVIDcautious #boston #bostonma #movies #spiderman #Newton #newtonma #covid
#NewtonMA’s version of #DontLookUp is #DontLookDown
#newtonma #dontlookup #dontlookdown
#MassDPU didn’t know there was a Grade 1 hazardous leak on Walnut Street #NewtonMA for an unknown period of time after the explosions (left). So I informed them (right). A #DPUInvestigation is needed.
#massdpu #newtonma #dpuinvestigation
Again, please join #AFWOG in calling for a #DPUInvestigation of the #WalnutStreetGasExplosion of 4/6/23.
#NewtonMA is not an EJ community and one could argue that scarce DPU bandwidth can’t be spared on a gas explosion risk in an affluent suburb.
I would respond that the risk under Walnut Street is a risk that is shared across the NGrid distribution service area, and what we learn from an investigation of the #WalnutStreetGasExplosion can help prevent the next #MerrimackValleyGasDisaster
#afwog #dpuinvestigation #walnutstreetgasexplosion #newtonma #merrimackvalleygasdisaster
Self-gaslight the last decade of my professional career and activism by silencing myself about a gas multi-explosion in my home town, #NewtonMA?
No, thanks. I’m going to keep on talking and helping #AFutureWithoutGas coalition with data and evidence.
Please join me in calling for a #DPUInvestigation of the #WalnutStreetGasExplosion
#newtonma #afuturewithoutgas #dpuinvestigation #walnutstreetgasexplosion
The future of the West Newton Cinema seemed grim when the owner sold the building to a developer last summer. But a new foundation just launched a campaign to buy the building back & make the theater a nonprofit. Here's my @gbhnews story: https://cms.wgbh.org/_preview?_cms.db.previewId=00000187-4caa-d65f-a1f7-fdbe3c580000&_date= #newtonma #movietheaters
R U ready to vote in the #newtonma #Override election on March 14? See Fig City's summaries of what is proposed and what it costs. https://figcitynews.com
RT @jinzilla20
.@universalhub This certainly looks like more than "a coating to an inch" of unplowed, undertreated snow in #NewtonMA.
@cassetteheaven Nice! Haven't been able to find a streamable copy. Here's the link to it on discogs, with some more photos: https://www.discogs.com/release/7356951-Tough-Times-Times-It-Up-A-Multiplication-Rap
I wonder where the musicians all ended up? They must be in their 40s now... #BrightonMA #NewtonMA #WellspringSound
#brightonma #newtonma #wellspringsound
“Nitrous Oxide” sketch comedy brings laughter to Newton North — Feb. 9, 10 & 11 #newtonma https://figcitynews.com/2023/02/nitrous-oxide-sketch-comedy-brings-laughter-to-newton-north-feb-9-10-11/
NSHS South Stage theatre festival highlights female playwrights & student directors, Feb. 9-11 #newtonma https://figcitynews.com/2023/01/nshs-south-stage-theatre-festival-highlights-female-playwrights-student-directors/
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Amazing show tonight Lost and Found at Newton North HS Theatre Ink #NewtonMA
I don't see enough from folks in the following towns, so, tapping in the following tags to help with discovery:
#MedfordMA #EverettMA #MelroseMA #WinchesterMA #MaldenMA #CharlestownMA #ChelseaMA #RevereMA #Revere #Winthrop #WinthropMA #StonehamMA #ArlingtonMA #Watertown #WatertownMA #LexingtonMA #Woburn #WoburnMA #BelmontMA #WalthamMA #BrooklineMA #NewtonMA
#medfordma #everettma #melrosema #winchesterma #maldenma #charlestownma #chelseama #reverema #revere #winthrop #winthropma #stonehamma #arlingtonma #watertown #watertownma #lexingtonma #woburn #woburnma #belmontma #walthamma #brooklinema #newtonma
Just realized I don’t have a #bluebikes commute option home #BU to #NewtonMA this evening with the Newton winter shutdown. My subscription just lost a lot of value to me. 😦
For #thicktrunktuesday here is another of the majestic, old #copperbeech trees found around #newtonma
#thicktrunktuesday #copperbeech #newtonma
Here’s how #NationalGrid responds to the #NewtonMA City Council when it asks reasonable questions.