Following the feetings
A ‘feetin’ is a North Yorkshire word for a mark or impression left by the foot. In East Anglian a variation, ‘feetings’, is used specifically for the tracks of creatures in the snow. I do like this use of the word.
Newton Moor had feetings in abundance this morning. Mostly Grouse, occasionally ending with the outline of their wings as they took off. But these feetings were undou ...
#newtonmoor #northyorkmoors #NationalTrust
The bleak moor under a sprinkling of snow
Overnight rain fell as snow on the high moor transforming the drab winter colours of the heather.
The question is did the snow fall after midnight or before — in which case we will have had a white Christmas.
The stone is the 19th-century boundary stone atop the round cairn on Newton Moor. It marks the former parishes of Hutton Lowcross and Newton and is inscribe ...
#newtonmoor #northyorkmoors #foxhunt
“Lay pretty long in bed, and then rose, leaving my wife desirous to sleep, …
"... having sat up till four this morning seeing her mayds make mince-pies."
356 years ago, the Pepyses may have had a lie-in, but we were up and about on Little Roseberry taking in the fresh air and blue skies.
Samuel Pepys went on to complete his diary entry:—
"I to church, where our parson Mills made a good sermo ...
#newtonmoor #northyorkmoors #roseberrytopping