Interesting experience reporting gas smell at Newtown Creek Nature Walk. FDNY dispatcher asks if I need an ambulance then asks me to wait for firetruck while the smell is making me delirious. Seriously? 911 dispatcher asks what service I want for a gas smell. Should have said dogcatcher. Why asking me? Asks for address. It's an industrial waste land. Can't see street signs. No numbers anywhere. Is this their first rodeo?
#911 #FDNY #NatonalGrid #NewtownCreekAlliance #NewtownCreekNatureWalk
#newtowncreeknaturewalk #newtowncreekalliance #natonalgrid #fdny
Going to a Soil Contamination and Remediation presentation by Lisa Bloodgood tonight. Am actually less interested in the subject of the presentation than Lisa's take on the conflict of interest between various nonprofits using the Argento's Broadway Stages building at 359 Kingsland Ave, Brooklyn,. She's associated with North Brooklyn Neighbors now but was previously with the Newtown Creek Alliance.
#NorthBrooklynNeighbors #NewtownCreekAlliance
#newtowncreekalliance #northbrooklynneighbors #McGuinness #broadwaystages #Argento
@THECITY An interesting relationship with North Brooklyn Neighbors and the Newtown Creek Alliance.
@alec @THECITY About those digester eggs. A year ago I found this same link.
which describes the use of the Newtown Creek Dignester eggs and organics collection as a pilot of Waste Management. #DSNY is slow walking this like you wouldn't believe. Ask #NewtownCreekAlliance how long that facility has been flaring gas and talking about actually providing it to #NationalGrid customers. At least 4 years.
#WasteManagement #NewtownCreek #DigesterEggs
#organics #recycling
#recycling #Organics #digestereggs #newtowncreek #wastemanagement #NationalGrid #newtowncreekalliance #dsny
@Shauna Same in #NYC. Caught off guard by the super low tide (didn't have camera with analog zoom) but saw many oysters and ribbed mussels in the #hudsonRiver between 135th and 65th Street. #NewtownCreekAlliance saw similar in Newtown Creek but also saw siphon holes for clams.
#newtowncreekalliance #hudsonriver #nyc
An #introduction I suppose. Not a full-time member of any org but work with many. Very wide ranging so sometimes consider myself as glue. Passionate about water, sealife, biking, transit, streets, plants, parks, gardens, climate change, renewables, politics. Also known for open water swimming in NYC in most waterways. Some orgs I'm with: #HarborLab #BillionOysterProject #Riverkeeper #NewtownCreekAlliance #BronxRiverAlliance #RiversideParkConservancy #Vinecuttters
#vinecuttters #riversideparkconservancy #bronxriveralliance #newtowncreekalliance #riverkeeper #billionoysterproject #harborlab #Introduction