I'm btw very happy to *not* be a #HarryPotter fanatic.
All that bling an old friend bought..
I thing her #bankaccount hated her..
And it didn't look that pretty.
I did get her a #NewtScamander keychain tho, cause newt is cute
#harrypotter #bankaccount #newtscamander #heythatrhymes
Newt Scamander
Hongdian 1809 brushpen
#fanart #harrypotter #fantasticbeasts #newtscamander #ink #brushpen
#brushpen #ink #newtscamander #fantasticbeasts #harrypotter #FanArt
Kotaku: The RPG Elements In Hogwarts Legacy Undermine Its Magic https://kotaku.com/hogwarts-legacy-revelio-chime-unforgivable-curses-harry-1850145229 #gaming #tech #kotaku #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #harrypotterandthegobletoffire #harrypotteruniverse #magicinharrypotter #gellertgrindelwald #bellatrixlestrange #dumbledore27sarmy #nevillelongbottom #lordvoldemort #hogwartsstaff #newtscamander #gladwinmoon #gitajackson #harrypotter #ronweasley #literature #jkrowling #hogwarts #fiction #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #harrypotterandthegobletoffire #harrypotteruniverse #magicinharrypotter #gellertgrindelwald #bellatrixlestrange #dumbledore27sarmy #nevillelongbottom #lordvoldemort #hogwartsstaff #newtscamander #gladwinmoon #gitajackson #harrypotter #ronweasley #literature #jkrowling #hogwarts #fiction #rpg
For those interested, I've finished the #HarryPotter series again.
The seven novels, that is.
I've read the play previously, but refuse to read it again, as I thought it was crap on first read-through.
And, the #NewtScamander screenplays are a prequel that I'll await the end of before I read them through again.
But, you weren't really interested, were you (;*