La stilista Mary Quant, i Lionesses e il chitarrista dei Queen Brian May sono tra quelli riconosciuti nei primi onori del capodanno del regno del re.
Quant, 92 anni, che come una delle figure di moda più influenti negli anni '60 ha reso popolari la minigonna e gli hot pants, diventa Companion of...
#31Dicembre #NewYearhonourslist #MaryQuant #Englandwomensfootballteam #BrianMay
#BrianMay #englandwomensfootballteam #MaryQuant #newyearhonourslist #31dicembre
Nanny who raised money for kids fleeing Ukraine recognised in New Year Honours list - Mirror Online
Nanny Louenna Hood, 38, is among the everyday heroes recognised in the New Year Honour list and will receive a British Empire Medal for helping children fleeing Ukraine
#Ukraine #childrefugees #louennahood #newyearhonourslist
Here ma poyum aboot the #NewYearHonoursList
A wrut it earlier in the year whan #IanRankin tuik a knichtheid, but it hauds for ony bodie that bends thir knap.
#Scots #ScotsLeid #ScotsPoetry #ScotsScrievin #ScottishWriter #Scotland
#scotland #scottishwriter #scotsscrievin #scotspoetry #ScotsLeid #scots #ianrankin #newyearhonourslist