And with that supply drop from @AlchemistsWorks, the first half of this year's #NewYearNewArmy is ready to deploy
Tank Commander on the desk today, stay tuned for more news #WarHamFam!
#newyearnewarmy #warhamFam #warhammercommunity
Hobby has occurred! A local friend is running a LotR slow grow, so my first New Year New Army project is to paint a load of the Isengard stuff I have hanging around. Couldn't resist throwing a beserker into my first 350pt list. #WarhammerCommunity #NewYearNewArmy
#warhammercommunity #newyearnewarmy
Started a #hobbystreak to get some momentum back to my hobby. Here's a quick rundown of days 1-4. Day 1/2: started easy with some list building and planning what to paint for the year. Day 3/4 started on an Armiger for #newyearnewarmy - still at the messy under chassis stage.
2022…goodbye! Here’s to ‘23 and new challenges!
My last mini of 2022, a Gryph Hound of the Stonecast Battalion!
@WarComTeam #WarhammerCommunity #stormcasteternals #AOS #Sigmar #AgeOfSigmar #hound #tabletop #paintingwarhammer #HappyNewYear
#newyearnewarmy #warhammercommunity #StormcastEternals #aos #sigmar #ageofsigmar #hound #tabletop #paintingwarhammer #happynewyear
Just a quick Happy New Year to everyone. Hope 2023 treats you kindly.
My NY hobby resolutions
1. Finish Sanguinor diorama
2. Play at least 1 game of AOS and/or 40K
3. Complete #NewYearNewArmy, this year aiming for 1k of Knights.
#newyearnewarmy #warhammercommunity
#NewYearNewArmy Its on for 2023!! I’m giving this 6 months to finish 😅 #warhammer #warhammercommunity #newarmy #modeling #tabletop
#newyearnewarmy #warhammer #warhammercommunity #newarmy #modeling #tabletop
So working on the Rhino out of the Combat Patrol box and not sure if I should bother painting the interior or not given that it will probably never be seen.
Then again if I was going to do that I should really have left the whole thing un assembled so I could actually get in to paint everything. Oh well.
#warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #adeptasororitas #newyearnewarmy #rhinoapc #metalbox #metalboxes
#warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #AdeptaSororitas #newyearnewarmy #rhinoapc #metalbox #metalboxes
Ok #WarHamFam, pre-planning my #ArmiesOnParade2023 #NewYearNewArmy Fenrisian PDF & and with the 3 Leman Russ tanks I got for Chrimbo, but can't decide main turret choices
Any ideas?
#warhamFam #armiesonparade2023 #newyearnewarmy #warhammercommunity
Gladiator Valiant of the #DarkAngels 3rd Company, ready for deployment. That wraps up my #NewYearNewArmy for 2022. #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity
#darkangels #newyearnewarmy #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity
#Warhammer40k Combat Patrol boxes by points
Good for #NewYearNewArmy
Custodes - 715
Khorne Daemons - 675
Space Marines - 605
Tyranids - 597 (can be higher with Swarmlord choice)
Grey Knights - 545
Space Wolves - 535
CSM - 530
Blood Angels - 530
Death Guard - 527
Orks - 510
Genestealers - 505
Sisters of Battle - 500
Black Templars - 493
Necrons - 490
Dark Angels - 490
Tau - 480
Dark Eldar - 475
Deathwatch - 475
Squats - 475
Thousand Sons - 430
AD Mech - 380
Craftworlds - 365
I may have don't a thing....guess i know what my #newyearnewarmy project is going to be now. #WarhammerCommunity #AOS
#newyearnewarmy #warhammercommunity #aos
I think I've decided what I'm getting myself for Christmas. #AoS #Sylvaneth #wargaming #NewYearNewArmy
#aos #sylvaneth #wargaming #newyearnewarmy