Darker Hue Studios · @DHS
453 followers · 383 posts · Server dice.camp

You bought a shiny new copy of Haunted West and love the lifepath character creation but were hoping for a bit of help? Or a pregen? Then I've got you covered with this character creation by post tweet! Happy trails

#newyearnewgame #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

James Lewis · @LARPingRealLife
49 followers · 74 posts · Server mstdn.party

I've had my eye on 's Bronze Age RPG for a while. This weekend, Chaosium offered the starter sets for both of their games, and Runequest for only $0.99 a piece! What a deal! I couldn't pass it up!

So far, I am loving how Runequest uses the Basic Roleplaying system in a slightly different way from Call of Cthulhu. It's a bit moore crunchy than CoC, but it looks like it's going to be a hit for my gaming group.

Anyone here ever played it?

#newyearnewgame #chaosium #runequest #callofcthulhu

Last updated 2 years ago

Fortiter Games / dpmcalister · @FortiterGames
142 followers · 67 posts · Server dice.camp

It's over at DriveThruRPG and is currently 25% off. I've also created a bundle which includes the mission Operation Fallen Warrior at 25% off. That means you can pick up the PDFs of the rules and a mission for just over $8.


#newyearnewgame #ModusOperandiRPG #espionage #ttrpg #rpg

Last updated 2 years ago