Was busy with guests last night, but here's the finished Hoppin' John - a really rich, savory black eyed pea soup with ham and greens, served with the cornbread recipe my mom used to make growing up.
It's nothing super fancy, but somehow soup doesn't need to be. Soup is magic like that.
Let me know if you want the recipe!
Do you have "lucky" foods you eat today? I've made my own version of Hoppin' John for two decades. It was originally "traditional" (if such a thing exists) but has varied a LOT into something that's really my own.
I forgot to soak the peas overnight, so they're pre-soaking on the stove.
#newyear #food #luckyfood #newyearsfood
I waited too long to buy a couple of cans of black eyed peas for New Years, so we’ll cook our own in the Instant Pot. We’ll use bacon instead of ham, bacon grease instead of olive oil, and we’ll add other spices not on the recipe. We’ll also make homemade cornbread to go with it. #Cooking #BlackEyedPeas #NewYearsFood #SouthernTradition
#southerntradition #newyearsfood #BlackEyedPeas #cooking