La emoción se desborda en la #NewYorkComicCon #NYCC de 2023 gracias a #Marvel
#newyorkcomiccon #nycc #marvel
Gizmodo: All the News, Trailers, and Cosplay From San Diego Comic-Con 2023 #startrektheanimatedseries #startrektheoriginalseries #interviewwiththevampire #multigenreconventions #entertainmentculture #comicbookconvention #softsciencefiction #sandiegocomiccon #douglasmackinnon #pavitrprabhakar #stevenspielberg #newyorkcomiccon #duncancrabtree #thewalkingdead #justinroiland #marvelstudios #andrewlincoln #gillianjacobs
#startrektheanimatedseries #startrektheoriginalseries #interviewwiththevampire #multigenreconventions #entertainmentculture #comicbookconvention #softsciencefiction #sandiegocomiccon #douglasmackinnon #pavitrprabhakar #stevenspielberg #newyorkcomiccon #duncancrabtree #thewalkingdead #justinroiland #marvelstudios #andrewlincoln #gillianjacobs
New York Comic Con 2023: NYCC reveal a stacked guest list including Ewan McGregor
New York Comic Con 2023 has a stacked guest list.
The bad news: I didn't get into New York Comic Con's Artists' Alley. I've requested to be put on the waiting list.
The good news: Via separate email, this same day, my request for a New York Comic Con Industry badge has been approved (and I just paid for my 4-day pro pass). #NewYorkComicCon