“Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte has been a voice for her constituents in Brooklyn and has fought to make our state a better place to live and raise a family,” said the Honorable Speaker of the New York State Assembly Carl E. Heastie.

From New York Amsterdam News.


#bkdems #rodneysebichotte #brooklyndemocrats #albany #newyorkassembly #newyorkdemocrats #majoritywhip #georgearzt #georgearztcommunications #gac

Last updated 2 years ago

“Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte has been a voice for her constituents in Brooklyn and has fought to make our state a better place to live and raise a family,” said the Honorable Speaker of the New York State Assembly Carl E. Heastie.

From New York Amsterdam News.

#bkdems #rodneysebichotte #brooklyndemocrats #albany #newyorkassembly #newyorkdemocrats #majoritywhip #georgearzt #georgearztcommunications #gac

Last updated 2 years ago

The New York State Assembly will vote against seating Lester Chang, a Republican who won a race in Brooklyn, as he seems to live in Manhattan.

By Zack Fink of NY1.


#georgearzt #lesterchang #georgearztcommunications #bkdems #brooklyndemocrats #newyorkdemocrats #nycdemocrats #electionfraud

Last updated 2 years ago

If Hakeem Jeffries became Speaker, all of Congress would be controlled by Brooklynites.

“Now all we need is a president from Brooklyn so it’s clear who runs the universe."

~ Bob Liff, Senior VP of George Arzt Communications, Inc.


#georgearzt #hakeemjeffries #georgearztcommunications #democraticparty #brooklyndemocrats #newyorkdemocrats #congress

Last updated 2 years ago