Just have to say I love Untitled GOOSE game. Honk!
(Also glad that I won't get suspended here for posting a puzzle with 19A in it.)
Loved this week's New Yorker puzzle. That central stack of SANCTUARYCITY, AMITHEASSHOLE, and MEALSONWHEELS is amazing, with nice bonuses TACOTRUCKS and the excellent portmanteau HIPHOPERA (are there any others than "Hamilton"?)
LAT had a nice selection of SPILLEDMILKs. Can you still get anything for collecting cereal BOXTOPs?
Kind of surprised to see the Sony PSP in the Universal. Didn't think anyone remembered those, though they had some good games. I mostly played PSP games via PSTV.
#crossword #newyorkerxword #usatxword #unixword
Fun New Yorker puzzle this week, full of unexpected Js and Xs. Loved the misdirect at 17D; I was quite confused when MOTLEYCRUE didn't fit. I was also unaware that so many artists had recorded songs in SIMLISH; I obviously need to install Sims 4 one of these days.
I also loved the New Year rabbit sketches throughout the issue. So cute.
The last couple weeks' New Yorker puzzles were both on the challenging side; I though this week's was the harder one, though it claimed the lesser "moderately challenging" rank. KINGOFKOWLOON and OSCARSSOWHITE were both excellent if hard to see answers this week, and SONGOFSOLOMON was a nice central themer last week.
Peter Gordon's Newsflash puzzles kick off a new year, with the unfortunate reminder that KEVINMCCARTHY is now Speaker of the House. I assume PATTYMURRAY is a much better choice as Senate president pro tempore, but I will admit I don't know much about her. Also, the names for new drugs always make me laugh: LEQEMBI???
#crossword #newyorkerxword #fireballnewsflash