This past monday heard someone refer to the #GilderCenter as the #Guggenheim of the west.
First encounter was 'Whats that huge building at the end of 79th?' on the way to the #NewYorkHistoricalSociety.
I have to go. Also recently obsessed with #ants and there is a great ant exhibit there.
#ants #newyorkhistoricalsociety #guggenheim #gildercenter
Wisteria Lamp (c. 1905) Designed by Clara Driscoll for the Tiffany Studios, now part of the NY Historical Society’s collection of Tiffany lamps.
#ThrowBackThursday #decorativearts #artnouveau #ClaraDriscoll #TiffanyLamp #Museums #museum #NewYorkHistoricalSociety #NYHist
#nyhist #newyorkhistoricalsociety #museum #Museums #tiffanylamp #claradriscoll #artnouveau #decorativearts #ThrowBackThursday