Well, I'll shout it out on this weeks podcast so maybe that'll get you some eyeballs.
I'm using unlisted so this post won't show up in public postings but you may find yourself with better results using some of:
#TTRPG #IndieTTRPG #KickstarterTTRPG (I know, I know) #NotDnD #StarTrek #SpellJammer #SoloRPG #JournallingRPG #Nexalis #CezarCapacle
and tagging these groups:
@ttrpg @notdnd @kickstarterttrpg
Just my thoughts, hope they help.
#ttrpg #indiettrpg #kickstarterttrpg #notdnd #startrek #spelljammer #solorpg #journallingrpg #nexalis #cezarcapacle
Probably needs some # and some boost groups tagged. What sort of categories would you say #Nexalis falls under?