As #Nexstar continues it reshaping of #TheCW, the network has secured the rights to the long-running #InsideTheNFL, which debuted on #HBO in 1977 and ran for 31 seasons, moved to #Showtime in 2008 and then to #ParamountPlus for the past two seasons, marking the show's first time on a traditional broadcast network. The show will debut September 5 at 8:00 PM and will run through the NFL season, which will also trigger some changes to the announced Fall schedule TBA.
#nexstar #thecw #insidethenfl #hbo #showtime #paramountplus
#TheCW announces its first new schedule under #Nexstar ownership with a mix of original scripted series, a night of comedy, reality shows and international acquisitions. Read more and see trailers for new series! #television
#amazon To Close Charitable Program #amazonsmile - Slashdot
Amazon will be closing its charity program, AmazonSmile, in the coming weeks in order to "focus its #philanthropic giving to programs with greater impact." #nexstar reports
#philanthropy #nonprofit
#nonprofit #philanthropy #nexstar #philanthropic #amazonsmile #amazon
Does anyone know if The Winchesters is on HBOmax, and, if yes, when do they release new episodes in relation to it being on The CW? I may lose The CW by the end of December if Comcast drops all Nexstar stations.
#Supernatural #SPN #SPNFamily
#TheCW #Nexstar #Comcast #HBOmax
#hbomax #comcast #nexstar #thecw #SpnFamily #SPN #supernatural #TheWinchesters
Perhaps more worryingly, news outlets operated by The Walt #Disney Company (e.g., ABC News of the United States) and #Nexstar Media Group, Inc. (e.g., THE HILL) are covering this as an unconditionally positive move β ABC News' coverage has generally been guardedly trans-positive, and while THE HILL has always been shit, they were also providing trans-positive coverage through CHANGING AMERICA
Buongiorno π
Ieri oltre alla luna sono riuscito a fotografare anche giove e Saturno, si vede molto male ma giΓ il fatto che si capisca cosa sto guardando mi sembra buono ππ
Purtroppo la poca stabilitΓ del cavalletto Γ© il punto debole di questo setup
Che ne pensate?
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Live long and prosper π
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#tibby #nerd #geek #tech #telescopio #celestron #nexstar #5se #foto #fotografia #fotocamera #reflex #canon #4000d #luna #giove #saturno #moon #jupiter #saturn
#saturn #jupiter #moon #saturno #giove #luna #4000d #canon #reflex #fotocamera #fotografia #foto #5se #nexstar #celestron #telescopio #tech #geek #nerd #tibby
Buongiorno π
Piccolo TimeLapse π
Live long and prosper π
#ribby #nerd #geek #tech #astronomia #telescopio #celestron #nexstar #sony #dsch300
#Osservatorio #dsch300 #sony #nexstar #celestron #telescopio #astronomia #tech #geek #nerd #ribby
Volevo montarlo prima ma c'era un vento che se lo portava via π
#ribby #nerd #geek #tech #luna #moon #astronomia #celestron #nexstar
#nexstar #celestron #astronomia #moon #luna #tech #geek #nerd #ribby
Sembra funzionare anche collegato al PC π
Linux Mint + KStars
Insegue pure, stasera proviamo una camera astronomica tramite VLC π€
#ribby #nerd #geek #tech #linux #astronomia #celestrom #nexstar #mint #gnu #vlc #kstars
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Live long and prosper π
#kstars #vlc #gnu #mint #nexstar #celestrom #astronomia #linux #tech #geek #nerd #ribby
Bella serata πβΊοΈ
#ribby #nerd #geek #tech #astronomia #luna #celestron #nexstar
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Live long and prosper π
#nexstar #celestron #luna #astronomia #tech #geek #nerd #ribby
Buongiorno π
Come ogni lunedΓ¬ sera torniamo all'Osservatorio Astronomico Elpidienze (Fermo), porterΓ² anche il mio telescopio π
Vorrei farlo conoscere di piΓΉ quindi se conoscete dei marchigiani taggateli nei commenti π
#ribby #nerd #geek #tech #astronomia #telescopio #celestron #nexstar #osservatorio #osservatorioastronomicoelpidienze #alphagemini #fermo #marche #santelpidioamare #lunedi
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Live long and prosper π
#lunedi #santelpidioamare #marche #fermo #alphagemini #osservatorioastronomicoelpidienze #Osservatorio #nexstar #celestron #telescopio #astronomia #tech #geek #nerd #ribby
Buongiorno π
Anche se l'astronomia Γ© un mio interesse minore ad agosto mi Γ© stato regalato questo vecchio telescopio π #celestron #nexstar 5 SE .
Con l'aiuto della associazione astrofili #alphagemini siamo riusciti a farlo funzionare molto bene, sono anche riuscito a controllarlo dal PC (ovviamente Linux) e ha fare qualche foto per ora dal telefono dato che la mia Sony non Γ© compatibile π’.
Sto provando anche qualche camera astronomica dell'associazione per ora βΊοΈ.
Live long and prosper π
#alphagemini #nexstar #celestron