How can we transfer scientific findings efficiently to support society and #NextGenerations? Another question, another workshop: “Fostering Translation: Research and Transfer Centers”. Join #BuildingBridges and our discussion on May 17 to talk about technology transfer.
#nextgenerations #buildingbridges
Information technology, AI, energy, climate change and health – how will science shape the #NextGenerations? #Day1 of our international conference will focus on key issues, current research and collaborations with relevant stakeholders.
Boruto- Naruto Next Generations Eng Sub Episode 287
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My thoughts on #NextGenerations series 1
Tis a wee bit hammy - like the original #StarTrek series. But it found it's feet well.
I like how it drip feeds details about each character. I still haven't got to Worf's story, for example. He so far exists on the ship without any explanation.
Deanna Troi has had three costume changes so far. And some of her back story has been revealed.