Dr Gretchen Stolte · @anthrobeader
82 followers · 31 posts · Server aus.social

This one will go down as the most bizarre one to date. I don’t know if I like it but I definitely don’t hate it. It’s a study in reds and blues, corals and turquoise, land and sea and the design had a mind of its own.

#beading #beadwork #nezpercebeadwork #studyinblueandred #turquoise #coral #land #sea

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Gretchen Stolte · @anthrobeader
82 followers · 31 posts · Server aus.social

My interpretation of the Three Sisters. Predominantly a Seneca Nation and east coast concept and traditional planting methodology, the Three Sisters are squash, corn and climbing beans. The symbolise both an intercropping technique and community relational constructs.

You can read more about the Three Sisters here: nal.usda.gov/collections/stori

The idea for this was gifted to me JP Prettybull, a Ponca and Yankton Sioux anthropology PhD student. I made it my own by using a cucurbita gourd - in honour of my favourite bead stitch and my late mentor who taught it to me - as well as a stylised heirloom corn and the climbing beans my mom had in her garden when I was I a kid.

#beadwork #threesisters #beading #nezperce #nezpercebeadwork #gourds #corn #climbingbeans

Last updated 2 years ago