An open letter to the NFB board of directors:
"The NFB, as an organization that advocates for the rights and well-being of the blind, has the responsibility to ensure all of its members, including those from the LGBTQ+ community, can participate fully and safely.
The time for dialogue without action has passed. We are calling for tangible, immediate changes that would ensure a future where the NFB fully supports and advocates for its LGBTQ+ members. No organization that claims to fight for the rights of blind people can afford to overlook the interwoven tenets of human rights for all."
Read more and sign here:
#transRightsAreHumanRights #NFB #NFB24 #lgbtqia #lgbtqia+ #blind
#TransRightsAreHumanrights #NFB #nfb24 #lgbtqia #blind
@meredith so it's not just the @nationsblind #nfb24 who made terrible decisions about their next convention venue.
well, that's a wrap for #nfb23 for me, it was a pleasure catching up with friends old and knew. I depart for the airport in just under an hour, If we connected, and didn't exchange contact info, reach out and we'll sort it out, as some of you I literally shook your hand in n elivator or running past you, to or from a session, or in the imfamous starbucks line. Will you see me at #nfb24 in Orlando? Only time will tell! But houston it was fun, Cleveland, where home is, see you in a few hours, Dallas, I'll see you in 11 days!
#NFB24 will be in Orlando, Florida. You could win a free trip to Orlando at the #NFB23 banquet. Contribute to our Give $20 campaign by 3:00 pm CT on July 6. Each dollar donated is doubled thanks to a generous matching gift from Aira up to $25,000. Your donations to one or more of our four funds make our work possible. Plus, you could win a free trip for two to sunny Florida for the next National Convention. It’s a win win. Thanks for your support!
#NFB24 will take place from july 3-8 at the Rosen Center in Orlando, Florida. Read the statement of our Board of Directors regarding the convention location: