@lapis @revolverocelot@elekk.xyz
#SFFBookClub for sci-fi/fantasy
#NFBookClub for non-fiction, though not currently active I think
#CatStoriesClub is pretty self-explanatory, but more loose "talk about what you're reading" rather than reading specific books together
#FanficFriday *kind of* counts I think. I'm counting it.
I might start a comics one but I'm bad at starting things so who knows.
#sffbookclub #nfbookclub #catstoriesclub #fanficfriday
To the folks who have read Caroline Criado-Perez’s book ‘Invisible Women’: How is it in terms of intersectionality and acknowledgement of trans and enby people?
I recently finished ‘Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race’ by Reni Eddo-Lodge (glad I read it, it has many interesting points that are often overlooked).
I am about to start Jack Barsky's ‘Deep Undercover’ (I borrowed it from a coworker and don't want to return it late 😬 ), so I probably won't rejoin #NFBookClub next month – but I haven't forgotten it. For instance, in January I finally finished ‘Smoke Gets in Your Eyes’ (a bit underwhelming to me).
#nfBookClub #PaperbacksFromHell #GradyHendrix
So many of the covers shown in this book would make great t-shirts. The one for "Satan Sublets" (p 26) particularly caught my eye for some reason. Just a whole lot of "wtf is going on here??"
And hey, Hendrix has a review of it you can read if you were also wondering that!
CW: ableism, violence, murder, and animal cruelty mentions.
#nfbookclub #paperbacksfromhell #gradyhendrix
I have too many accounts so I'm closing this one.
I'll still do #nfbookclub and talk about books (hopefully more often in the future) over on @julia@harpy.life
Only three people voted and only one book has more votes than the others.
So the #nfbookclub book for December is Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture by Roxane Gay and the second book is one of the old ones you haven't gotten to yet.
@Julia Not sure if I’m going to vote this month, as I have a backlog of #NFBookClub titles to go through and I will give priority to them. And to be fair, there’s a lot of promising titles in that list, so I’m likely to agree with whatever the final choice is!
#nfbookclub poll for the December books
Okay, people want books (shocking 😁 ), so throw suggestions at me for the next 48 hours!
#nfbookclub peeps:
How is the reading going? Do you want a new book for December or do you want a break since it's going to be a stressful month?
I need to read more again. I'm still not through #SmokeGetsInYourEyes. -.-
#smokegetsinyoureyes #nfbookclub
Dear #nfbookclub friends, the results are in.
The books for November are
1. Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness by Peter Godfrey-Smith
2. The Chemistry Between Us: Love, Sex, and the Science of Attraction by Larry Young & Brian Alexander
1. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28116739-other-minds
2. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38465642-civilisations
3. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31171856-ten-myths-about-israel
4. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11797471-the-idea-factory
5. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40093255-paperback-crush
6. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13588415-the-chemistry-between-us
@Thomas Non-fiction, that's what the nf in #nfbookclub stands for.
(I have Drood on my shelf and it weighs like 5kg, that would take forever to get through!)
Okay, friends, time to throw #nfbookclub suggestions for November at me.
Not more than two per person, please.
You have until Friday and then voting will be until Sunday.
#nfBookClub #SmokeGetsInYourEyes
The author of this month's pick just started a podcast called "Death in the Afternoon."
I'm listening to the first episode now and it's pretty great.
#nfbookclub #smokegetsinyoureyes
#nfBookClub #SmokeGetsInYourEyes
Did anyone else go looking for job listings at any point reading this book?
Probably not a great fit for me, tbh. And there are no openings near me anyway. More likely I'll just steer my existing work more towards end-of-life stuff, which was already the vague plan.
But it's really cool to see someone else voicing my thoughts and finding these same morbid topics so fascinating.
#nfbookclub #smokegetsinyoureyes
@eliasg@mastodon.xyz The current #nfbookclub book, #SmokeGetsInYourEyes
(Are you trolling me? I always think people troll me when they ask questions that are already answered in the toot!)
#nfbookclub #smokegetsinyoureyes
"A chronicler in Italy described how bodies were layered in the ground - bodies, then some dirt, bodies, then some more dirt - "just as one makes lasagna with layers of pasta and cheese."" Ehehehehe #SmokeGetsInYourEyes #nfbookclub
#smokegetsinyoureyes #nfbookclub