Ever wanted to learn more about (Research) #KnowledgeGraphs and #SPARQL?
Take the free open OpenHPI course “Knowledge Graphs – Foundations and Applications” offered by one of our #NFDI4DS Co-Spokespersons.
Learn how to design, execute, and utilise knowledge graphs using #RDF triples, #OWL and #SPARQL
Discuss knowledge graphs in #AI and #ML and how to improve the explicability and trustworthiness of #blackbox #deeplearning models
#knowledgegraphs #sparql #nfdi4ds #rdf #owl #ai #ml #blackbox #deeplearning #nfdirocks
@NFDI #NFDI3questions3hours
How about to make this discussion a presentation at the #NFDI #Science #Slam organised by #NFDI4DS?
You are very welcome.
#nfdi3questions3hours #nfdi #science #slam #nfdi4ds
This year’s #NFDI4DS Consortium Meeting and NFDI4DS #Conference will take place in Berlin at Fraunhofer FOKUS together with the #NFDI #Science #Slam.
9th November 2023, 18:00-20:00: NFDI Science Slam
10th November 2023, 9:00-14:00: NFDI4DS Conference
You can actively #contribute to our program by suggesting
* a discussion-based session
* a flash talk
* a poster
until 14th September.
Find more information:
#nfdi4ds #conference #nfdi #science #slam #contribute