Next week is #cordi2023. I am really excited to go to Karlsruhe to meet so many ambitious researchers who are dedicated to working with and for data. For those interested, here is our poster titled "Establishing the Research Data Management Container NFDIxCS": #NFDIxCS #cordi #rdm
#rdm #cordi #nfdixcs #cordi2023
I've just given a presentation about the newly launched project #NFDIxCS and have uploaded the slides to Zenodo (check them out here: This provided the students of the seminar with an introduction to #researchdata in the field of computer science. #openscience
#openscience #researchdata #nfdixcs
Last week, I was part of the founding of a Special Interest Group within the #GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik, Society for Computer Science). Through various coincidences, I had the opportunity to present the #NFDIxCS initiative and witness the process of its establishment. Official statements will follow, which will also introduce the substantive topics. #deRSE