#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #Degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #houstontexans #texans #nflpreseason #nflom #NFL2023
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread - August 27th 2023
ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER EASY FADE WINNER as jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd aka kingmoments3220 #vitched and #langed New Orleans for 83 fake dimes🙌
The loser lang record in this thread now sinks to:
103 - 136 = -5194 fake dimes😆
TheGx FADE jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd aka kingmoments3220 Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #houstontexans #texans #nflpreseason #nflom #nfl2023
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #nfl #sports #betting #gambling #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #houstontexans #texans #NFL2023 #nflpreseason
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread - August 27th 2023
TheGx FADE jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd aka kingmoments3220 Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #nfl #sports #betting #gambling #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #houstontexans #texans #nfl2023 #nflpreseason
TV TONIGHT (August 26)
#NapaEverAfter #VanishedInYosemite #CollegeFootball #NASCAR #PremierLeague #Boxing #NFLPreseason #MLB #Gymnastics #RecipeForDisaster #HipHopTreasures #BuriedInTheBkacyard #AEWCollision #LoveIsland #VacationHouseRules
#vacationhouserules #loveisland #aewcollision #buriedinthebkacyard #hiphoptreasures #RecipeForDisaster #gymnastics #mlb #nflpreseason #boxing #premierleague #nascar #collegefootball #vanishedinyosemite #napaeverafter
#TheGx #TheGxForum
#TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #aaronrodgers #jets #NYJets #newyorkjets #nflpicks #nflpreseason #nflom
🏈Preseason Week 3 best bets: Expect few points in Rodgers' Jets debut🤞
TheGx NFL Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #aaronrodgers #jets #nyjets #newyorkjets #nflpicks #nflpreseason #nflom
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #nflpreseason #nflpicks #newenglandpatriots #nepatriots #patriots #pats
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread -August 25th 2023
TheGx FADE jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd aka kingmoments3220 Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #nflpreseason #nflpicks #newenglandpatriots #nepatriots #patriots #pats
TV TONIGHT (August 25)
#YouAreSoNotInvitedToMyBatMitzvah #VacationFriends2 #Moonshine #TheProofIsOutThere #ZeroGravity #KillerBookClub #NASCAR #NFLPreseason #SmackDown #GoldRush #ReadyToLove #WitnessToMurder #MyLotteryDreamHome #HeelsSTARZ #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #heelsstarz #mylotterydreamhome #witnesstomurder #readytolove #goldrush #smackdown #nflpreseason #nascar #killerbookclub #zerogravity #theproofisoutthere #Moonshine #vacationfriends2 #youaresonotinvitedtomybatmitzvah
Stella is just quietly adoring Jason Kelce. She's a very clever kitten.
TV TONIGHT (August 21)
#TheBachelorette #DarkMarvels #SecretsOfPrinceAndrew #MaineCabinMasters #Futurama #StarsOnMars #RunTheBurbs #AmericanNinjaWarrior #NFLPreseason #WWERaw #LHHMIA #TextMeWhenYouGetHome #BelowDeckDownUnder #MiracleWorkers #BBQBrawl
#bbqbrawl #miracleworkers #belowdeckdownunder #textmewhenyougethome #lhhmia #WWERaw #nflpreseason #americanninjawarrior #runtheburbs #starsonmars #futurama #mainecabinmasters #secretsofprinceandrew #darkmarvels #thebachelorette
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #篮球 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #Degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #dolphins #miamidolphins #nflpreseason #nflom
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread - August 19th 2023
ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER EASY #FADE WINNER as #jtroller aka #brandonlang and #vitterd aka #kingmoments3220 #langed and #vitched Houston Texans -2 and 110 fake dimes🙌
The loser lang record in this thread now sinks to:
99 - 132 = -5161
TheGx FADE jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd aka kingmoments3220 Forum🍻
#thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #篮球 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #ratterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #dolphins #miamidolphins #nflpreseason #nflom #jtroller
TV TONIGHT (August 19)
#NeverTooLateToCelebrate #HerDeadlyNightInParis #StandUpToCancer #TheWildSides #BehindYourTouch #NASCAR #LittleLeague #NFLPreseason #UFC #AEWCollision #GreatChocolateShowdown #KingsOfBBQ #VacationHouseRules #ADateWithDeath
#adatewithdeath #vacationhouserules #kingsofbbq #greatchocolateshowdown #aewcollision #ufc #nflpreseason #littleleague #nascar #behindyourtouch #thewildsides #StandUpToCancer #herdeadlynightinparis #nevertoolatetocelebrate
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #seahawks #seattleseahawks #titans #TennesseeTitans #nflpreseason #nflom
🏈NFL preseason Week 2 best bets: Trust Seahawks', Titans' backup QBs🤞
TheGx NFL Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #seahawks #seattleseahawks #titans #tennesseetitans #nflpreseason #nflom
This #Eagles (preseason) game is all over the place. We're going to need better from Mariota because the rest of this team is playing great, it's just him who is determined to be a bum #Philly #nflpreseason
I’m amazed at the number of season ending injuries that are happening during #NFL preseason games. I’m watching so many names scroll through the chyron at the bottom of the #ESPN cable channel. #NFLPreseason 🏈🏈🏈
Jermaine Johnson breakout year?? 👀 #nfl #nyjets #jets #nflfootball #nflpreseason #nflpredictions https://www.rawchili.com/3025935/
#AmericanFootballConference #AmericanFootballConferenceEastDivision #EastRutherford #Football #Jets) #NationalFootballLeague #NewJersey #NewYork #NewYorkJets #NFL
#nfl #nyjets #jets #nflfootball #nflpreseason #nflpredictions #americanfootballconference #americanfootballconferenceeastdivision #eastrutherford #football #nationalfootballleague #newjersey #newyork #newyorkjets
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #篮球 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #fantasy #fantasysportsleagues #fantasysportsleague #fantasysports #esport #eSports #nflpreseason
🏈Fantasy: Biggest takeaways from Week 1 of NFL preseason💭
TheGx NFL Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #篮球 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #fantasy #fantasysportsleagues #fantasysportsleague #fantasysports #esport #esports #nflpreseason
Bobby is judging the Eagles special teams maximum harshly
#Caturday #NFLPreseason
This weekend is shaping up for great #football and #futbol. The #womensworldcup continues with the quarterfinals, the #premierleague starts the new season, and the #nflpreseason is a go. Woo-hoo!!
#football #futbol #womensworldcup #premierleague #nflpreseason
Wait, Inside the NFL is now on the CW? When did I miss this?
#NFL :nfl: | #NFLPreSeason | #HOUvsNE