v1.4.0 of nflreadr is now on CRAN! #rstats #nflverse
It includes a number of backend improvements and bugfixes, as well as introducing two new datasets:
- `load_player_stats(stat_type = "defense")` returns week-level defensive player stats
- `load_ftn_charting()` returns manual charting data for 2022-onwards, graciously provided by FTN Data. This should automatically be updated when published by FTN, and the early indication is that it will be within 48 hours after a game has finished.
Have you wanted an #nflverse hex sticker but never managed to run into me at a conference?
Here's an interest check on a print run for stickers: https://forms.gle/TGfcSsnBiHjJWeEP6
New post on #opensourcefootball! Tim Bryan uses text analysis to explore the NFL draft.
There's a lot of really interesting/useful stuff here, including a dataset of scouting reports and analysis of linguistic variation from nfl dot com.
#football #nfl #nflverse #opensource
#opensourcefootball #football #nfl #nflverse #opensource
#NFL 2022: Special Teams - Kicking Efficiency after week 13
#Adventskalender #AdventCalendar #ggplot #RStats #dataviz #DataVisualization #NFLTwitter #ranNFLsuechtig #rannfl #nflfastR #nflverse
#nfl #adventskalender #adventcalendar #ggplot #rstats #dataviz #datavisualization #nfltwitter #ranNFLsuechtig #rannfl #nflfastr #nflverse
#NFL 2022: Passing vs. Rushing Yards after week 12
#Adventskalender #AdventCalendar #ggplot #RStats #dataviz #DataVisualization #NFLTwitter #ranNFLsuechtig #rannfl #nflfastR #nflverse
#nfl #adventskalender #adventcalendar #ggplot #rstats #dataviz #datavisualization #nfltwitter #ranNFLsuechtig #rannfl #nflfastr #nflverse
I should probably actually post an #introduction on here. My name is Brandon, I live in Minnesota, and I work in the field of Data Analytics/Business Intelligence/Data Visualization for the Minnesota Department of Revenue.
My background is in Accounting (BS; MPAcc). I worked for 5 years in Corporate Taxation but fell in love with Analytics while learning R during my Masters and haven’t looked back!
#r #dataanalytics #businessintelligence #powerbi #rstudio #governmentanalytics #nflverse
#introduction #r #dataanalytics #businessintelligence #powerbi #rstudio #governmentanalytics #nflverse
New #rstats and #nflverse chart. Average point differential by game second after 11 weeks of the 2022 NFL season.
I like this chart because it is telling each team's in-game story. The Eagles are winning in the second quarter. Winning teams give away points in garbage time. The Cardinals throw away their games in the first 1.5 quarters.
New #rstats and #nflverse chart. Average point differential by game second after 11 weeks of the 2022 NFL season.
I like this chart because it is telling each team's in-game story. The Eagles are winning in the second quarter. Winning teams give away points in garbage time. The Cardinals throw away their games in the first 1.5 quarters.
Hey! I am Seb. And this is my #introduction.
I am a structural engineer from Germany working in research for living.
But in my free time I love doing :rstats: #rstats and maintaining the #nflverse as well as other R packages outside of the nflverse, for example {ggpath}.
See more of my work at https://linktr.ee/mrcaseb
#introduction #rstats #nflverse
Hey! I am Seb. And this is my #introduction.
I am a structural engineer from Germany working in research for living.
But in my free time I love doing :rstats: #rstats and maintaining the #nflverse as well as other R packages outside of the nflverse, for example {ggpath}.
See more of my work at https://linktr.ee/mrcaseb
#introduction #rstats #nflverse