@composergreg just shared with me the best performance I've ever seen/heard of Music for Eighteen Musicians (Steve Reich).
Ensemble Intercontemporain is the absolute best new music ensemble out there. There, I said it. I had the opportunity to see them in New York recently, and it was among the top musical experiences of my life.
If you think you're going to listen to this in the background while you get work done, think again.
#NFM (NotFunctionalMusic)
‘Large Woody #Debris’ (a technical term, apparently, but it really deserves its own #word) forming a #log #jam snagged on the cut waters of the late #SeventeenthCentury #bridge at Powick, #Worcestershire. #Ugly and #beautiful in equal measure. #Floods #Flooding #vocabulary #NFM #NaturalFloodManagement #Alluvium #RiverStride
#riverstride #alluvium #naturalfloodmanagement #nfm #vocabulary #flooding #floods #beautiful #ugly #worcestershire #bridge #seventeenthcentury #jam #log #word #debris
"Once the damage has been halted, actually restoring a bog is relatively simple work and focuses on plugging the gaps and raising the water table. This is done by blocking gullies and creating moorland pools. Over winter, helicopters drop sacks of stones to use as dams and heather brash to protect vegetation. An army of staff and volunteers fan out across the moors planting thousands of plugs of sphagnum moss to help re-wet the landscape" https://www.telegraph.co.uk/environment/2023/04/09/peat-bogs-restoration-uk-climate-change/ via @thetelegraph__ #NFM
Aktuell in der #HörBar der #nmz: LutosAir Quintet — Mit diesem Album geht das LutosAir Quintet neue Wege für das klassische Holzbläserquintett. Nicht nur, dass es sich bei den drei eingespielten Werken polnischer Komponisten um neuere Partituren aus den Jahren 2017, 2018 und 2019 handelt. Zwei de
#E-Musik #ZeitgenössischeMusik #LutosAirQuintet #NateWooley #NFM(Label) #NikolaKolodziejczyk #NikoletBurzyńska #PaulPreusser #TomaszZymla
#horbar #nmz #e #zeitgenossischemusik #lutosairquintet #natewooley #nfm #nikolakolodziejczyk #nikoletburzynska #paulpreusser #tomaszzymla