EXCLUSIVE: UK river ‘dying’ after farmers lobbied government to water down protections.
National Farmers’ Union boasted about months of lobbying to weaken enforcement of environmental regulation.
#Environment #Regulation #UK #UKNews #Rivers #Pollution #Lobbying #Transparency #Wye #NationalFarmersUnion #NFU #UKPol #UKpolitics #UKnews
#environment #regulation #uk #uknews #rivers #pollution #lobbying #transparency #wye #nationalfarmersunion #nfu #ukpol #ukpolitics
Bunge-Viterra merger has drastic implications for Canadian farmers: NFU, Canada https://viacampesina.org/en/bunge-viterra-merger-has-drastic-implications-for-canadian-farmers-nfu-canada/ #TransnationalCompaniesandAgribusiness #CampaignforaBindingTreaty #NorthAmerica #NFU
#TransnationalCompaniesandAgribusiness #campaignforabindingtreaty #northamerica #nfu
The real cause of skyrocketing food prices is corporate greed and market concentration—and one group of farmers has the receipts.
The National Farmers Union (NFU) has submitted data to the House of Commons agriculture committee which details how much retail food prices have risen compared to the prices that farmers receive for their goods.
#Food #FoodPrices #NationalFarmersUnion #NFU #RetailGiants #FoodPolitics #CanAg #Agriculture #Farmer #Canada #CdnPoli
#cdnpoli #Canada #farmer #agriculture #canag #foodpolitics #retailgiants #nfu #NationalFarmersUnion #foodprices #food
Are the #NFU finally waking up and joining the real world ?!?! I really hope so.
Fruit and vegetable shortages could be ‘tip of the iceberg’, farming union warns | The Independent
#fruitandveg #fruitandvegshortage #nfu
It's been getting worse and worse for months.
It's not all Brexit, it's the supermarket buying strategy that sources from hundreds of small suppliers who are therefore wholly dependent on the contract.
If they all simultaneously decide it's not profitable and stop production, the supermarkets aren't agile enough to deal with that.
The #NFU has been warning them for years.
They didn't listen
Grow your own. That's the solution
It's been getting worse and worse for months.
It's not all Brexit, it's the supermarket buying strategy that sources from hundreds of small suppliers who are therefore wholly dependent on the contract.
If they all simultaneously decide it's not profitable and stop production, the supermarkets aren't agile enough to deal with that.
The #NFU has been warning them for years.
They didn't listen
Grow your own. That's the solution
Forbes doubles down and torpedoes SNP chances. Pass the idiot pills! - John Crace
#brexituplandshahaha #nfu #pow #forbes #snp
"Britain’s farmers battered by Brexit fallout and rising costs, says union"
#DEFRA - Department for the Elimination of Farming and Rural Affairs
#defra #farming #brexit #nfu #agriculture
UK risks ‘disastrous’ food scandal due to lax post-Brexit border controls – NFU chief
#ukpolitics #brexit #nfu #fbpe #theguardian #gtto
Via #NFU: Integrale wetgeving nodig voor medisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek https://www.nfu.nl/actueel/integrale-wetgeving-nodig-voor-medisch-wetenschappelijk-onderzoek
#NFU and #MinetteBatters warn of food crisis👇
#NFU president Minette Batters warns that the UK is "sleepwalking" into a food supply crisis, but not reported are the factors behind this. #Brexit is an obvious one, but the #Agriculture crisis goes deeper than this. #Farming
#National_Farmers Union #BBC #Flu
#flu #bbc #national_farmers #farming #agriculture #brexit #nfu
Canada: National Farmers Union Stands with Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People https://viacampesina.org/en/canada-national-farmers-union-stands-with-indigenous-women-girls-and-2slgbtqqia-people/ #CampaigntoEndViolenceagainstWomen #Peasants'Rights #NorthAmerica #Women #NFU
#CampaigntoEndViolenceagainstWomen #peasants #northamerica #women #nfu
Another 1,000 #badgers to be #killed in #Somerset and #Gloucestershire | #Environment | The Guardian
More gratuitous slaughter for the #farming lobby.
#badgers #killed #somerset #gloucestershire #environment #farming #nfu #uk